Chapter 7

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Dipper PoV

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Dipper PoV

"Bill it's been a month now..." I mumbled.
"...oh my god you're getting crowned!" Bill said excited. He grabbed my hand and ran to the throne room. We walked into too see most on the kingdom here, they clapped as we walked to our thrones.
(Skip crowning vow since idk what to write.)
I tilt my head forwards a bit allowing the demon with the crown to place the crown on my head.

)I tilt my head forwards a bit allowing the demon with the crown to place the crown on my head

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(I get it it's not very special but whatever.)
After the crown was placed on my head I felt some strong force inside me, I felt my eyes glow a deep blue as blue steam left the corners of my eyes.
"Looks like he's the one." Some demon said.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well with pass queens-" Bill started.
"You had others?" I said staring deeply into Bill.
"no...Anyways most when into bloody coughing fits and end up die centuries later." Bill laughed.
"Really? I don't feel anything I just feel stronger." I said shrugging. Suddenly the hall started cheering. Like "He must be the one!", "Finally we can win!" And "An another strong, beautiful demon!"
I was flattered to say the least but the cheering was getting a little loud for my liking.
"You wanna go?" Bill asked. I nodded and stand up. We head out the room and walk to the bedroom. Bill throws me into the bed and looks at me with lust in his eyes.
"Bill what you doing." I say sweating.
"You know~" he said biting into my neck ruffly.
"Mmm~ why so ruff?" I mumbled.
"I'm claiming you." He whispered.
I nod and wrap my arms around him as his hand slivered down my waist.
Skippy cuz I'm so lazy

~(Two month time skip)~

Wendy PoV

"What if we get dipper back by Wendy or Gideon?" Mabel said.
"What why?" I asked confused.
"Because he has on crush on you remember and i think Gideon would be a good choice if dipper doesn't pick you!" Mabel said.
"Huh uh and what about Pacifica?"
"I'm coming with you don't worry." Mabel smiled. Me, Gideon and Mabel got ready to search the fearamid. We walked to the place to see it basic crowed.
"I hope the queen likes my present." I demon said to another.
"Don't worry I made a not so good painting of the queen but he said it was beautiful and it the though that's counts!" The other demon said happily.
"Woah really?!"
"Maybe we should go through the back." I suggest, they nod abs we start running to a side window. We land into the throne room again. It was empty probably why so many people are outside there, it probably not open yet.
"Hey sorry it's not time yet please wait outside." We hear dipper say stepping out the darkness.
"Dipper!" Mabel screeched.
"Dip-? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" He shouted.
"C'mon dipper Wendy says she loves you! And if that doesn't work Gideon's here." Mabel said happily. "You guys could be a cute coupl-"
"ENOUGH!" He snapped his fingers and and we were in a cage.
"Dipper dude let us go don't you want to be a family again?" I said.
"Shut up you idiots you're giving me a headache." He said rubbing his temple and stomach? I stared deeper into his body and realised what was happening.
"Mabel...I think...he's pregnant..." I mumbled.
"What?! You whore Wendy and Gideon came here to love you and this is what you do?!" Mabel screeched. Dipper walked up to mabel and picked her up by the neck.
"Say it again slut I fucking dare you." Dipper said demonically.
"C'mon baby and can give you what ever you want." Gideon smirked. Suddenly dipper faced his hand to Gideon with glowing eyes and ripping Gideon's heart out. He looked Mabel and me in the eyes and crushed it. Dipper summon chains around Mabels hands and dragged her like a balloon.
"You better not move unless you want what happened to little Bitch boy over there to you." Dipper said walking out the door dragging Mabel with her.

'What am I going to do?'

Okay somehow wattpad gave back My chapters so I'm good

(720 word count)

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