Chapter 13

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(2 years later)

Phill PoV

We're sitting down at the table waiting for breakfast to finish when Dominic put his legs up.
"Put them down." Mom said without turning around. Dominic audible sighed and put them down. Mom finished and brought our food in front of us. Dominic dropped his fork on the floor and summoned another one. Mom snapped her fingers and made it disappear.
"Get up and do it yourself." He said.
"But that's effort!" Dominic wined.
"Just because your privileged doesn't mean you can't do shit for yourself."
"I mean-"
"I give up. You two will go to a public schools instead of the private tutor, which I know has probably killed himself because of you."
"W-what I haven't done anything!" I protested.
"Well you have your brother to thank for that." Dad had been quiet this whole time, probably trying not to get into moms wrath.
"Bill can't you do anything useful?!"
"Don't you think your being a little harsh-" Mom stared deep into dads soul. "You know what, I have things to do bye!" He quickly teleported away.
"Does that mean we're not going?"

~(Time skip)~

We stood in front of the a school for the supernatural.
"I don't want to be here!" Dom sulked.
"Same." I sighed and walked into the school. Since I'm introverted and antisocial unlike Dominic I wanted to say close to him.
"We don't know where the office is." I whispered.
"Then ask someone."
"N-no you know how I will act I would basically die!" I screeched quietly.
"Fine." He smirked, he's totally up to something. He walked up to a couple of girls who were already staring at us.
"Hey since my introverted little brother-" I punched his side. "Ow. Anyways where's the office."
"Oh it's down the hall to the right." The girls blushed.
"Thanks." As we walked to the office Dominic started to annoy me.
"Can you not hover." I mumbled.
"Yeah and why's that?"
"You make me feel short."
"Yeah because your are short."
"Well let me be less short."
"Okay okay chill don't have to be petty." He said dropping down. I huffed and looked away. We spoke to the principal and he gave us our classes, we had all the same class and expect for the last one.
"6 Periods?!" Dom screeched. I sigh and dragged him to our class while he protested.
We walked into our first class which was History.
"Ah yes, the New students please introduce yourselves." The teacher said.
"I'm Dominic Cipher and this is my twin brother Phill. Done touch him." Dom said lazily.
"Dom!" I whispered yelled.
"Mmm the Cipher brothers." The teacher mumbled. "Dominic sit there and Phill sit there." The teacher put us at the back but we were on different sides.
"Great." Dom mumbled. We sat down and the teacher started class. I was nearer to the door where Dom was next to the window. I sleepily stare at the board as teacher struggled to find the work.
'Hey! Hey! Dummy!'
'Dominic what are you doing?'
'Look what am going to do hehe.'
'Don't you dare.'
'Or what?'
'Or I'll tell mom.'
'You wouldn't bitch.'
'Try me-'
"Phill wouldn't you like to help since you seem so interesting." The teacher said.
"W-what? I'm fine thanks."
"I think you and brother would know way much more about this then anyone else." I was confused and looked what was written on the board.


"Umm why are we learning about this?" Dominic spoke up.
"Why not so Phill do you know anything about this subject?"
"I- n-no...yes I-I don't think it would be the best I-idea-"
"There was a war against the stupid humans and the demons and we won. There!" Dominic said annoyed.
"I actually know what happened." Some kid at the front said.
"Uh huh sure, not like we're the children of the causes, but go off." Dominic mumbled. The kid started to explain detail by detail what happened even more then we knew. I could feel Dom getting triggered by the second until the kid said one thing that almost made me snap.
"Then Bill cipher kidnapped Mason pines forcing him to become his queen-"
"Dude you really shouldn't say that Mason has been the best queen that Cipher has." A another kid said to the boy.
"I'm just saying how I shown and told."
"We could get our mom to explain I think he would be ok with that." I whispered loud enough for some to hear.
"Ah yes from the direct source!" The teacher nodded.
'Hi mom!'
'AH- W-what you should be paying attention in class.'
'I know but I kinda agreed with everyone that you would come and teach us about weirdmageddon-'
'Why in the fuck are you learning about that.'
'In the teachers words 'Why not'
'Fuck fine I give me a second.'
"He said he's coming." Suddenly the door opened to mom who was were a t-shirt tucked into shorts and wearing knee high black socks.
"I've been told I'm teach me this listen apparently." He said crossing his arms.
"Yes please explain about-" Mom put his hand on the teachers shoulder and froze him.
"Satan you're annoying." The classes agreed. Mom walked up to the podium and sat on top of it.
"You two owe me." He said pointing to me and Dominic. "Okay question me away."

Mason PoV

"Is it true that Bill Cipher kidnapped you and forc-"
"Where the fuck are you getting this from." I said stopping this dumbass.
"My mum told me she was part of this-"
"Who are your parents anyways?"
"Wendy and Robbie Valentino."
"...wait I thought I killed her." I mumbled.
"What." Half the class said.
"Nothing. Anyways you shut up I was the main part of this war, your parents and speaking bullshit. Another question."
"What was the main cause of the war."
"Mmmm...Bill being the bored fuck he is wanted to make everything weird and then I came in somehow."
"How did you and Bill get together." Some girl said.
"Mind your business....but since I'm here, sure whatever." I sighed.
"Since this bitch is going to die imma mention her. And I'm going to be skipping details. I have a twin sister called Mabel who was I bitch to me, we moved to gravity falls because our parents didn't want me for fuck knows. This wasn't first love at first sight bullshit, when I met bill he was a triangle with a giant eye-"
"Wait how would that work like children-"
"Eh?! One let me finish the question and two the fuck?" I said looked confused at some kid.
"Anyways as I was saying! This man called Ford wanted to ruin bills fun and Banished bill to the world called dreamscape right. So I was like nah I didn't want to admit back then but i like that stupid Dorito!" I huffed as the classes laughed.
"Moms a Tsundere." Dominic snickered.
"Shhh! So bluh bluh bluh, I revived bill and he came back in human form, and when I tell he was hot-"
"mOM!" Phill and Dominic screeched blushing.
"Oh hush. Skip a few months I get crowned queen and i get pregnant. Bill didn't tell me that when becoming a demon you have a shorter pregnancy or whatever it's called. He get stuck in stone again dumbass. So yeah, gave birth and had those brats. Got bill back and now we're here. Question."
"I still don't believe you!" This dumbass child said.
"Okay and what do you think happened?" I said twitching my eyebrow.
"I think bill brainwashed you and have Stockholm syndrome!"
'I wanna strangle him
I wanna strangle him
I wanna strangle him
I going to strangle him!'
"Woah! Woah! Woah! Please no murder today." Bill said coming out of nowhere.
"I did not ask for a Family Reunion." Dominic mumbled.
"I thought kings and queens dressed all fancy and stuff." A boy said. In fact bill was wear a jumper and jeans.
"You mean like this?" I snapped my fingers putting us in our Royal outfits.
"Well sometimes wearing heels are hard okay!" I complained.
"You said it." The girls agreed. I snapped but to our regular outfits and get up.
"How much time is left?" I said stretching.
"Five mminutes."
"Thank lord I'm out! And you Phill you're grounded too."
"What I've done shit!"
"Don't fucking swear!"
"I-" I waved bye and teleported away with bill.
"What you been up to this whole time?" Bill asked.
"They were talking about weirdmageddon for some reason." I mumbled falling onto a couch. "I wanna sleep come!" Bill laid down next to me and I out on top. I pecked him and fell asleep.

(1480 word count)

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