Bonus Chatper

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Yall happy now there here some smut for your lonely ass

(From chapter 10)

Mason PoV

"I've waited too long for this." I mumbled pulling off my dress. I leaned over and kissed Bill interlocking our hands. He pulled away and smirked, I looked at him lustful as he flipped us over. He started kissing my neck leaving red hickeys, making his way down to my waist.
"W-wait I don't want more kids." I mumbled.
"Yeah yeah whatever." Bill put one on and spread my legs. I felt him stretch my hole and shoved his finger in. I hole twitched from his sudden touch.
"Ahh~" I felt my legs slightly started shaking as my breath fastened.
"NGH~" I squealed as I felt something warm and wet enter me. I soon found out it was Bills tongue, I could feet it twisting and turning inside me.
"Ah- B-bill..i- I think-" Before I could finish he pulled his tongue out.
"Don't cum yet." Bill whispered covering my tip. I gave out and let my shaky legs down tiredly. Bill laughed quietly and picked up my legs and placed them on his shoulders. He lined up his dick and thrusted in.
"Mmm~" I moan as Bill started thrusting slowly.
"Ngh~" I moaned every time he went in. I covered my mouth slightly breathing heavily.
"Don't cover your mouth. I want to hear your cute moans~" Bill whispered into my ear and running his hand over my nipples.
"Mm f-faster-Aah~" Bill slightly fasten his pace as I moaned louder. I griped the sheets slowly as I panted.
"F-aster- AH~ Harder!" I screamed arching my back as he hit my prostate. My tongue hanged slightly as I felt tears in my eyes, looking at Bill hazily.
"B-BILL~ C-CUMMING~!" I moaned loudly putting pressure on his shoulders. I screamed as I white ribbon shot out of me. I came over my chest and a bit on bills. I hear Bill grunt and cum too. He pants and pulls out getting off the bed. My legs flopped onto the bed in slight pain, I turn to my side still gross and sticky. I see Bill enter the room again and pick me up. With all the strength I had I tried to keep myself awake. After a while my body started to warm up. I slightly sat up and realised I was in water, I turned around to be face with bill and something hard under me.
"...your still hard?" I mumbled.
"Heh maybe~" He laughed.
"I'll help you if you can help me. My legs feel dead." You guys probably knew what happened next.

~(Next day)~

"Mommy! What's that?" Phill said point to me.
"What's what?" I asked confused.
"That red mark on your neck." I thought and quickly blushed.
"Mommy does it hurt?! I'll get bandaid!" Dominic said running off.
"N-no it's f-fine-"
"Nu here!" I sighed and played along letting Dominic place the bandaid as Bill died of laughter.
'Fuck you.'

There you happy?
That's it, that's the end. Glad you enjoy your smut and my book. 😊 😉

Now go back and vote on my chapters if you haven't!!! 😠

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