Chapter 15

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Mason PoV

I stood on the lake staring at the moon as my dress flowed. (I'm like thinking of mlp midnight moons hair idk) I knew Dominic and Phill was following me, they always do. But I wasn't here to have to some 'alone time' I was waiting for someone.
"Mabel." I said turning around.
"W-what are you doing here?"
"Starting at the moon and night sky. You should join me." I said.
"But I'll just fall into the lake!"
"Trust me you won't." She hesitated but shakily stepped on. She looked down confused and surprised. I turned away and stared back at the moon. She walked up next to me and looked too.
"Mabel do you forgive me?"
"What you do mean?" She asked confused. I turn to her and held onto her shoulders.
"For leaving you and being so mean to you." I lied.
"Yes I forgive."
"Ha cute, Well I don't." I smirked evilly.
"W-what?" I tighten my grip on her shoulders and pushed her down into the lake as she struggled. I held her head under the water as she began to struggle less. Eventually she stopped and sunk down. I smiled happily since she was finally out of my life and moved onto my next target. Fez.

Phill PoV

"Why do we keep following mom?" I asked following close behind Dom.
"One why not, Two I'm bored, Three why not." I huffed and crouch behind a bush. Mom stood on top of the a lake just staring up.
"He just staring at nothing." I mumbled.
"Shhh look!" Dom whispered yelled. I see a woman talking to mom and walk onto the lake. I guess they were talking for a while, when suddenly mom shoved the woman into the water trying to drown her.
"Okay...Dom we should probably go before i that happens to us!" I laughed nervously getting up.
"Yep good idea!" I turned around and bumped into something. There stood mom looking angrily at us.
"You need to stop following me." He said crossing his arms.
"It was his idea!" Dominic shouted pointing at me.
"Aw you bitch!" I shouted at him.
"Dominic grounded. Don't blame your brother for your stupid ideas." Mom said. "Now get back to the Fearamid and stay there. If I find out that you two are out at night again you'll be punished." He said sternly. We nodded quickly and ran back.
"You're a dick you know that!" I sneered.
"Back at ya."

Mason PoV

I watch them run off and huffed in frustration. I walked along the lake walking to the town. I saw flashing lights down an alleyway, I walked down it and saw a casino.
"Mmm of course he would be here." I transformed into Mabel and snuck in. Gross everywhere I looked there were either strippers, Mlfs or old men. I dodge perverts and I walked to Fez who was losing at poker.
"Fe-grunkel stan. You're drunk let's go home."
"Kk-kid not now!" He slurred.
"Yes now! Get up old man!" I mumbled pulling him up.
"C'mon pretty lady your Stan here still needs to pay-" I summoned money and slammed it onto the table.
"There you've been payed." I said. The nodded their heads in fear and let us go. I dragged fez back down the alleyway and stopped right before we got onto the street.
"W-whhy we s-stop..?" I turn to him and held his throat. He tried to get me off but my grip was too strong. I decided to make his death more ironic and exciting, so I began to summon money and shoving it in throat. He muffled struggling to breathe. Eventually his arms dropped to his side as he took his last breath. I dropped him and walked out onto the streets. Finally. You're next Sixer.

I walked down the path to the shack, still as Mabel, and saw Sixer standing in front of the shack.
"Hey Ford!" I said happily.
"What have you done to Mabel?!" He shouted pointing a gun at me again.
"What do you mean Ford?" I say innocently. He fired a shoot and I quickly jumped into the air looking angrily at him.
"Yay you're actually smart." I laughed transformed back to myself still in the air. He started firing at me in anger and frustration.
"Hey Sixer how about a deal?" I smirked.
"Never demon I'm not falli-"
"All that money could go up in flames."
"...what's the deal."
"I'll show where Mabel is if....I take your life." I giggled.
"W-what why would I agree to that?!"
"Oh c'mon Sixer I know your selfish but I also know you love Mabel. If Mabel is really your favourite you wanna where she is." I smiled. I pulled out my hand and a red flame it.
"F-fine deal." He shook my hand and I smiled at him.
"Follow me." I hummed and floated into the forest towards the lake. I dropped down and stood by the edge of the lake.
"Where is she then?"
"Right here." I lifted my hand and brought up her long deceased blue body.
"W-what the fuck?! I thought we would be..alive!"
"I said I'll bring you to her didn't say she had to be alive." I laughed. He tried to run but I stopped him.
"Remember Sixer you're life is mine~" I snatched his soul as he fell to the ground. I smirked and lifted his body. I walked to the edge of gravity falls when there was a crack in the earth.
"Let's hope hells down there." I mumbled. I dropped his body and watch it fall deeper and deeper fading into red darkness.
"I wonder if Bills awake." I mumbled teleporting back to the fearamid. It was dark except for a light turn on in the kitchen. I walked into to turn it off when I found Dominic and Phill eating out the snack cabinet.
"H-hey mom." They sweat nervously.
"Get to bed. Now."

~(Time skip)~

Dominic PoV

Once again in school, in the hallway, same stop and talking to friends. I wasn't really paying attention when everything became quiet. I zoned back in to see what happened when I noticed Casey, one of the popular rich brats, started walking over to me. Everyone one was staring at me as her friends hyped her up.
'Not again.'  Every since month! My thoughts were cut off when she kissed me.
"There! you're mine now. I know you want it." She announced loudly.
"Gross! I've already said this! Casey I'm asexual! I don't date people!" I shouted rubbing my mouth.
"So? I'll just make you love-" Suddenly she was kicked hardly from her side almost ended her at the other end of the hallway.
"Bitch." I turn to see a pissed Phill.
"What the fuck?" I mumbled under my breath.
"What okay? Someone had to do it." Phill said. I shook my head and grabbed Phill down the hall to outside.
"I get you trying to defend me but you shouldn't kick gir-"
"So we going to forget what happened last week then?" Phill said crossing his arms.
"...AS your older brother-"
"You came out three minutes before me!"
Shhhh. Whatever we have to go to class. C'mon."

~(Time skip)~

Bill PoV

I looked around the house for Pinetree but couldn't find him. I gave up and teleported to him.
"Pinetree wher-" There stood Pinetree, looking happily at a burning house.
"What did you do?" I asked.
"I've waited to long to get rid of them, so I did it last night. This was the last step." He turned smiling to me.

~(Time skip)~

Mason PoV

"I can't believe we're doing this." I mumbled.
"It will be fine they're older enough." Bill said placing a hand on my shoulder.
"So what are you going to tell us." Phill asked.
"We're taking you back to the adoption centre!" I said happily.
"Noo- We're letting you create your own dimension." Bill said.
"Omg! That's great!" Phill said jumping up and down.
"Ahh but that's effort!" Dominic sulked. "OW OW! My ears is going to fall off one day!"
"Be grateful!" I said pinching his ear.
"Oh shush. When do we get to see it?!" Phill asked.
"Well now I guess." Bill said opening up a portal. We stepped in and it was blank white.
"Oh my god it looks so interesting." Dominic said sarcastically.
"Shh for that, this is Phills." I said.
"I don't understand why is just white?"
"Well you think of what your dimensions would look like and it appears." Bill said. Phill nodded his head and closed his eyes thinking hard.
"Don't think so hard unless your want your brain to pop out." Dominic mumbled.
"Do you like being grounded?" Suddenly this started to fade into the blank space. I guess the kid likes nature a lot. Bright coloured birds and flowers, waterfalls and streams ran along the dirt path. And a little far down lived the towns people living in mini huts and shacks.
"Okay shut up before I actually take you back." I shouted at Dominic.
"You fine here kid will we help your brother?" Bill asked Phill. Phill nodded happily and began to run to the mini village. I summoned a portal and pushed Dominic in.
"Here now think." He thought of a while and tame colours started to appear. Everything looks modern but also back in time.
"Ooh stream work?" Bill guessed.
"Nerd lol."
"We forgetting you raised me?" Dominic shot back.
"How dare-" Bill quickly covered my mouth laughing.
"I think every thing is done here. Come back by dinner. And make sure you get Phill." Bill said pulling to a portal.
"You're really annoying you know that?" I grumbled.
"I love you too."

(1666 word count)

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