Chapter 8

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Dipper PoV

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Dipper PoV

I dragged shooting star to a different room where I could take a breather.
"DIPPER IM YOUR SISTER LET ME GO!" She screamed. I snapped my fingers and silenced her.
"Shut the f-fuck up." I said almost throwing up.
"Dipper Owen was and is better the bill-" she tried to mumble.
"Don't you dare say anything about him!" I shouted at her. I felt like my stomach was going to explode and ran out the room to a bathroom. As I throw up I felt like I forgot something.

Mabel PoV

I see dipper ran out holding his mouth. I was going to sit here and do nothing until I realised that he forgot to chain me up. I smiled and ran out the room, I skipped looking for Wendy she's probably dead anyways and ran out the fearamind. Suddenly I heard a booming voice screeched across the forest.
"MABEL PINES!" Fuck he actually used my name am so dead if he catches me now.

Dipper PoV

That's it I had it with her, after these brats are born I'm killing her once and for all.
"Bill." I mumbled. My eyes were slightly open so I could see him.
"Mmm." Was all I could muster before falling asleep on something warm.

Bill PoV

I catch Pinetree before he could hurt himself and brought him to bed and tucked him in. I teleport outside, just to get some breathing room. Suddenly I felt something in my chest, I looked down to an arrow. I became light head and feel onto my side. The last thing I saw was a cyan bright light.

Dipper PoV

I was sitting up in bed reading a book when someone suddenly slammed the door opened.
"Knock please-"
"Sorry but something bad happened." I sigh and got out of bed.
"What exactly?"
"Bill was taken by the people!"
"I- I don't know how-"
"Send Pyronica and Pacifica up to my room."
"Yess my queen!" He bowed and ran out closing the door behind him. I walked over to my bed and sat down holding my head in my hands. Without realising it I was crying 'I can't believe I'm actually crying for this idiot'
"Mason?" I looked up to see Pacifica and pyronica looking at me worried.
"...I-I'm fine." I said trying to wipe my unstoppable tears. Pacifica hugged me as pyronica rubbed my back.

Bill PoV

I woke up chained to the ground. I see Sixer with a gun in his hand.
"What do you want?" I asked with no one emotion.
"I want to end you once and for all!" He said pointing the gun to my head.
"Maybe not now I got important things to do." I said.
"SHUT UP!" He pulled the trigger and my mind went black.

Dipper PoV

I felt like a part of me died.
"Bill!" I called out, but he didn't come.
"BILL?!" I yelled panicked.
"Maybe he's busy?" Pacifica said trying to reinsure me.
"Yeah busy doing what?! He normal comes by now. BILL?!" I feel myself shaking and breathing heavily.
"Mason called down. These probably reason he's not responding." Pyronica said. I nod and my eye slowly close falling into darkness. I shot back up to fine myself back in the white room.
"Bill?" I called out.
"Pinetree." Bill echoes. I got up and ran around the room trying to find a door. I finally found one and opened it. I thought it was going to be the forest with flowers and waterfalls from many months ago but it's wasn't. It's was so much worst. Everything was on fire and the sky was red.
"B-BILL?!" I screech scared. I ran around for a bit trying to find bill in this mess when I spot.
"B-bill...?" I said slowly walking to a figure.
"Pinetree." He said turned around my eyes widen at what I saw. He was cracking. He was falling apart. I ran over to him and hugged him.
"D-don't go." I cried.
"I-I'm sorry Pinetree."
"You c-cant leave me! Y-you can't!" I was sobbing at this point.
"...Talk to tad." He whispered.
"I promise everything will go backed to normal." He mumbled as he started glowing.
"Bill? BILL?!" I cried.
"I love you mason." Was his last words before turning into stone.
"MASON." I shot up panted looking around. I find Pacifica with a worried face.
"What happened?" She asked.
"...bills gone." I mustered out.
"What how?"
"I don't know..." I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek. Tad..
I wipe my tears and get up I tell Pacifica to wait in the throne room with Pyronica.
I made my way to the throne room slowly, rethinking what happened int the dream. 'Is he really gone?' I opened the door and walked up to Pacifica and Pyronica.
"Pyronica, do you know who Tad is?"
"Why." She said crossing her arms.
"...b-bill said to talk to him..." I mumbled.
"...Tad is bill's cousin who lives in a odd world. Do really need to see him?"
"Yes! Anything to bring back bill." She sighed and summoned a portal.
"How am I meant to find him?"
"Find the oddest looking think in there and turn around because he's the normalises guy there." I nod and step into the portal. I opened my eyes to see a normal world but everything was off just by a little bit. Like colours, places, people and was really confusing and strange here. I walked around a bit until I spot a normal looking house near the river that was flowing purple water. I walked up to the door and knocked.
"Hello?" I said opening the door.
"Hello to you too." I jumped when a tall figure stepped out the shadows. He was like bill but with lighter skin, purple hair and a square eyepatch.
"A-are you Tad?" I asked.
"Yes. You might be?"
"Mason. Mason Cipher." He made a surprised look but shock my hand.
"Didn't know bill got himself a wife." He laughed quietly.
"Well actually I kinda have a problem." I said nervously.
"Come sit down and explain." I began to tell him about what happened in my dream and my week. He sat there and listened nodding and the things I said. He was really calming to talk to. At the end I was crying a bit.
"Wait here." He got up and left the room. He came back with a book and yellow chalk.
"This book will explain what you need to do. I think you've been here long enough."
"Why what time is it."
"Almost midnight."
"Jeez!" I said standing up. "Thanks!" I said summoning a portal.
"You're welcome." I entered by into my dimensions to see the sun down. 'Should I go out?' I thought staring out the windows. I placed down the book and chalk and walked outside.
"How did my life end up like this? Maybe it would have better if I never made that deal?" I mumbled placing my hand on my stomach. I walked a little deeper into the forest when I found a little open. That's when I spot it. A statue. A statue of Bill. He was in a hugging position smiling sadly. I ran over to him and started crying. I slid under his arm hugging him tightly.
"Wake up idiot....I said...w-wake up..."

Okay so like I only actually started the writing this two days ago because I didn't have ideas sorry

(1264 word count)

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