Chapter 4

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This outfit now

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This outfit now

Dipper PoV

"Here." Bill said rubbing some sort of cream onto my sunburnt skin, I see how the cream heals my skin back to normal it must be magical.
"You can have this if you go outside it protects you from the sun for ten minutes." He said placing it down.
"Thank you..." I mumbled.
"You okay?" Bill asked.
"I just want to take my mind off everything." I sighed. I saw bill get up and walks around me, he puts his hand around my hips and breathes down my neck.
"bill...?" I say nervously. I felt him lick my neck as he unzipped my dress.
"B-bill~" I moaned as I grabbed his hair and rubbing my legs together.
Let's just skip this.

I slowly opened me eyes to be faced with bills chest. I sat up and looked around. I sighed and got up, I struggled to walk to the bathroom and snapped my fingers as the tub filled up with bubbly hot water. I got in and almost fell asleep. Hear someone step in the bathroom I was too tried to check and let it be. I feel them move me and sit behind me.
"Bill?" I said sleepy.
"Yes Pinetree?"
"Couldn't you go a little more gentler?" I mumbled.
"Not I'm fault you told me to go hard." Bill said probably smirking.

Mabel PoV

"Ford what do we do?" I say putting my head in my hands.
"Well we know that dipper is being controlled by Bill."
"We should just leave them alone..." Pacifica mumbled.
"What was that?!" Ford demanded.
"I mean like dipper seems more safe with Bill then here, you literally kidnapped him and chained him up like an animal. You even got him hurt. I understand we need to stop Bill but you pulling dipper into this doesn't help." Pacifica said.
"Dipper is the main part of destroying Bill is once and for all if we need to get him involved we will." Ford said sternly. Pacifica sighed and walked out the room.
'She just needs to realise that we are helping dipper'

Mason PoV

I'm turning eighteen less in a month now that's when I will be crown queen and get the rest of my powers. When I turn Queen I don't plan to hurt anyone who hasn't betrayed me, angel maybe, an angel of darkness. Angel who hangs around at night giving what people deserves. Everyone demon here already respects me as bill's mate, some envy me, others support or just look at me in disgust but I just ignored those looks they will never feel my pain.
Right now I was walking through the halls making my way to the throne room when suddenly an arrow came chasing through the window luckily I noticed it and jumped back but unluckily one of the guards were hit.
"Are you alright?!" I said running over to them.
"My queen you should run-" His eyes widen and rolled back and him going limp. I took the arrow out of him and examined it, it had a purple tip. 'Must me poisoned.'
Suddenly multiple arrows came flying in.
"Ah fuck-" I started running down the halls telling everyone to safety. I bursted into the throne where most demons were and they were all looking at me.
"I- I THINK WERE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" I shout as an arrow flew passed me hitting the wall.
"BILL CIPHER RELEASE NY NEPHEW NOW AND ILL STOP THE ATTACKS!" A loud voice boomed around the fearamid.
I felt something holding my arms tightly and ruffly, I turn to see ice bag with her axe.
"LET GO OF ME!" I say struggling to get her off. I'm meant to be stronger then her why aren't I?! It's must be sixer's stupid invention.
Someone had some beacon of light because everything on my body started burning.
"S-STOP YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME!" I screamed in pain. Suddenly Bill shot his blue flames at ice bag sending her slamming against the wall. I quickly ran into bills arms shaking.
"RELEASE MY NEPHEW NOW!" Sixer boomed. I felt my skin burning and screamed in pain, apparently my screams are powerful, powerful enough to shake the ground and shatter the windows in the fearamid. I felt myself dragged back to the stupid pines and started to pass out. I see bill turn into a giant red triangle with multiple arms screeching.
"...bill.." i whispered before my vision turned into darkness.

I just needed to end the chapter yknow probably won't proof read

Cya sours~ 🍋

(769 word count)

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