Chapter 11

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Edit: I'll probably not do smut idk if I'm lazy or I couldn't see it but smut is very unlikely
Calm your horny arses down

Edit 2: and no mason is not pregnant again Jesus

Mason PoV

Everything in my life finally fell into place. I was happy, Bill was happy and Dominic and Phill warmed up to bill. It was a month and I had to go visit the pines to see how they were doing.
"You sure you'll be okay?" Bill asked hugging me.
"I will, it won't take that long." I laughed softly. I was about to leave when I felt a pull on my dress. I see Phill crying clinging onto me.
"What's wrong?" I asked panicked.
"D-don't go! M-mommy!" He cried.
"I'm coming back it's okay." I tried to calm him down but nothing was working.
"Do you want to come with me?" I asked. He nodded his head.
"We'll that be okay with you two?"
"It's fine mama!" Dominic said. I sighed and grabbed Phills hand and teleport to the pines shack. Nothing seemed to change the last time I was here. It's was the afternoon so I had to use my umbrella. We walked up to the door and knocked. I waited but nobody came in, I sigh and opened the door. And oh my god. I knew they would do something stupid with the money but this is just extreme. Basically everything was high tech and flashy.
"I said to get back on track, not make a whole new one." I mumbled.
"What's happening?" Phill asked squinting.
"Don't worry. SIXER WHAT THE HECK?!" I yelled.
"Oh Mason I was planning to visit you, you see I've spent all the money you provided us which I'm very thankful for-"
"You spent the money, which was more then enough, on yourself." I said ready to kick his ass.
"Please!" Sixer begged.
"Sure I'll give you money, where's Shooting star and (I seriously forgot what bill calls him, is it Fex? Fed? Fez?).
"We're here." They said walking in.
"Be honestly with me, has Sixer here given you any of the share of the money." I said sternly.
"Yes." They said like they were programmed to say so. 'No not really.' They thought.
"Hands out." I snapped my fingers and spawned out money.
"W-what why only a thousand? How come they get more?!" Sixer complained.
"Do really need me to answer that?"
"...hey champ wanna help your old man out? Sixer said to Phill who was next to me. I stepped in front of him and crossed my arms.
"In order for this deal to hold, you will never speak/come close to my children again. I don't want them picking up your 'bad habits'." I grabbed Phills hand and teleported away.
"Are you okay?" I asked crouching down to Phill.
"He's scary." He said hugging me.
"I won't let him near you again." I mumbled stroking his hair.

Bill PoV

"So what do want to do?" I asked to Dominic.
"Mmmm...SOMETHING FUN!" He screeched.
"...Wanna fly?" He smiled happily nodding his head. I snapped my fingers and made him float.
"WOAH!" He laughed loudly spinning around. I like this kids personality. I spawned mini animals making them move around. He laughed harder, which was really strange. The animals seemed to puff up as he laughed, until they exploded into one bloody mess.
"D-daddy?" Dominic asked twitching. He's just like me. "D-did I do something w-wrong?" He said tearing up.
"No you haven't done anything wrong." He flew into my arms breathing heavily.
"OH MY GOD! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Pinetree shouted running out the portal with Phill.
"M-mommy I-I k-killed them!"

Mason PoV

I turn to Bill how was trying to calm him down.
"Dominic, it's fine. You will learn to control you new powers." I said wiping the blood off his face.
"B-but I don't w-want to hurt a-anyone."
"I understand you don't like others being hurt, but you'll understand when your older." He nod rubbing his tears away.
"C'mon you need to wash up." I said holding Dominic. "And you clean this up. Manually" I said looking at Bill. I walked out the the room to the bathroom. I snapped my fingers, underdressing both Phill and Dominic and putting them in the bathtub. Phill played with the bubbles while Dominic looked down in silence.
"Dominic. You didn't do anything wrong." He looked up to me like he was going to say something but kept silent.
'But I killed them. That's what bad people do right? Am I bad?' He thought. I'm pretty sure that Phill could hear them too.
"Nu Dom! Your not bad!" Phill said hugging him.

~(Time skip)~

The kids were asleep and I sat in my room alone. 'But I killed them. That's what bad people do right. Am I bad.' I thought back to what Dominic said.
"Pinetree?" I look up to bill walking over to me.
"We aren't the bad people right? Like we kill for a reason, people who wrong us deserve to die. But sometimes things happen and you can lose control-"
"Hey, hey when's all this coming from." Bill said placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Dominic still thinks he did something bad." I mumbled.
"I'll talk to him later now-"
"M-mommy." I looked to the door to see Dominic crying.
"What's wrong? What happened?!"
"Mmm....I- I had a nightmare....can sleep with you?" He whispered hugging me.

(897 word count)

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