Chapter 3

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Dipper PoV

"Bill will this hurt?" I asked stepping into a pentagram.
"....Yes a lot but I will be here when you finish." He smiled softly. I nod in response and wait for the pain. I hear him chant a few words until I feel immense pain shock though my body. I cried out in pain no long could holed it in. I arch over gripping my stomach as I felt something sprout out my back. After a while I felt the pain go away as I fell onto my side but bill luckily caught me.
"It's okay my queen it's over." He whispered. I nod with all my strength and fall asleep.

Mabel PoV

Ever since dipper made that deal the shack was always dirty and the food was worse. The smell and condition of shack started driving the customer away and Stan was pissed.
"We need to get dipper back he needs to clean up this place." Ford said.
"Me and Wendy can volunteer to look in the fearamid for a bit." I said.
"Nope absolutely not I'm not loosing you. You're more important."
"It's fine ford we can protect each other." Wendy said.
"...Fine but if anyone of you gets hurt you're not going again."
We both nodded and got ready to go.

~(Time skip)~

Right now me and Wendy are standing by the entrance to the fearamid. We somehow managed to get pass the guards a few minutes ago and was now heading to a giant door.
We pushed the heavy door open to see a giant hall, we kept to the side as we looked around. Then we saw two thrones a big yellow one which is probably bills and a smaller dark blue.
"D-does that mean that Bill has or is planning to have a queen rule next to him?!" I whispered confused and pissed.
"Maybe." Wendy whispered back.
Suddenly a side door open to a someone in a dress floating around in bat wings, she walked up to the blue throne and picked something up.
"We should leave while her back is turned." Wendy whispered. I nod and started speed walking to the door, I accidentally step on a something making it snap.
We hear i loud hiss and turn around to see the girl separating into multiple bats and flying out the room.
"We need to go mabel." Wendy shouted. We ran pass the guards and back to the shack.

"Hey are you okay?!" Stan asked walking over to us. We stopped running and started to breathe again.
"There was a girl in the throne room by a blue throne I think that's the queen." I huffed. "I think she a demon or something, she had bat wings and can turn into multiple of them." Wendy said.
"This great information, now we know bill's weakness. You two should go rest now." Ford said walking down to his lab.
"Okay gruckle ford."

Bill PoV

I was in my study looking over gravity falls when herd of bats entered the room. They squished together forming pinetree.
"Ah I see you've been practicing." I smiled.
"Yes but while I was in the throne room I saw two meatsacks there I got scared and flew off." Pinetree said.
"What meatsacks? What did they look like?" I demanded.
"One had long brown hair with a pink sweater and the other one had red hair and had an axe." Pinetree said.
"...oh shooting star and ice bag."
"Who are they?" Pinetree asked confused.
"There are the people that hurt you I want you to stay away from them until you ready." I said floating towards him.
"...okay bill, can I go outside?" Pinetree asked.
"Sure don't forget your umbrella."
I say handing it to him.

"I say handing it to him

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Also is what he's wearing now

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Also is what he's wearing now

"Why do I need this again?"
"Cause with your new powers, you can't go in the sun just like a vampire." I said laughing quietly.
"Okay whatever bye bill." He said walking to the door.
"Are you forgetting something~" I smirked. He huffed and kissed me in the lips and walked out.

Mason PoV

I opened the umbrella and walked into the wood looking for somewhere shady to sit.
I found a big tree and sat under it and took down my umbrella. I had two books with me so decided to read them.
After a while a saw someone snatch my umbrella I tried to take it back but my hand gets instantly burned by the sun.
"Give that back!" I shout.
"Dipper?!" Shooting star said.
"Who's dipper, I'm Mason cipher." I state.
"S-so your the queen ruling with Bill?" Some white hair boy asked.
"Yes what of it?" I say impatiently.
"Dipper what did bill do to you?" Shooting star said crying.
"I'll would like my umbrella back I need that to survive."
"No your coming with us!" The boy said. Before I could say anything I was hit over the head fall into darkness.

~(Time skip)~

I suddenly woke up to a burning sensation on my body. I looked around to see people staring at me, I tried to move but my hands were tied to a poll.
"Dipper what happened to you?" Sixer asked.
"Who is this dipper?" I asked confused and pissed.
"That's you what did bill do to you."
"None of your business. let me go if you don't this world will literally end." I said. I wasn't lying I stop Bill basically destroying the world when he is having his moods swings.
"It's is our business you're our family!" Sixer yelled.
"Well not anymore. Let me go now! I am your queen!"
"S-so your the queen bill kidnapped?" Shooting star said.
"Kidnapped? I went by will. This is kidnapping mortals!" I shout.
"But didn't you make a deal that you would save us from getting hurt if you became his slave." Ice bag said.
"It was a lie he offered me to became his queen, and that would get my revenge on you idiots." I sneered.
"Bill get out of his mind!" Sixer said pointing a gun? to my head.
"I'm leaving." I said break the chain that tied my hands and ran upstairs were the door was.
"GET BACK HERE DEMON!" Sixer yelled.
I ran onto the porch but quickly stepped back. 'Fuck my umbrella' I covered myself in my wings and ran into the forest as I could feel myself burning alive.
"BILL!" I shout hoping he would hear me, I feel like I was about to pass out and began falling to the floor. I felt someone catch me and stroke my hair. "...bill?" I whispered.
"I'm here what happened?!" He panicked. I pointed behind me when the Sixer and shooting star were.
"WHAT DID YOU TO HIM?!" Bill screamed Turing red.
"NOTHING WHAT DID YOU TO?!" Sixer shouted back.
"Bill I want to go everything hurts." I whispered crying a bit.
"We will." He said kissing my head.
'Gross he's gay I don't care about him. But I need the power.' We both hear Sixer think.
"Now I want go now." I yelled a little bit.

Cya sours~ 🍋
(1210 word count)

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