Chapter 5

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Dipper PoV

I shot up from a uncomfortable bed sweating. I looked around to see a room that was kinda made for me.
'Bill! I need to get out of here before he destroys this dumb world' I got up and walked to the door. It was a unlocked. I quickly ran downstairs, then I realised I was in the run down shack again. I opened the front door and ran, luckily it night so I wouldn't get burnt. I thought I was free until I hit a invisible force filled. I looked at it in confusion, the animals could go though but I couldn't.
"What the fuck?!" I whispered yelled. It must be because I'm a 'demon'. I tried to use my powers but it did work.

"DIPPER!" Someone shouted.
"I'm not fucking dip-" Suddenly felt an electric shock from my neck going down to my body. I felt around my neck, it was a shock collar?!
"What the he-" The shocking intensified.
"S-STOP! stop..." I say falling to the ground panting.
"Repeat after me. You're names is dipper and you will not leave the shack."
"My name is Mason CiphAAAHHHH! DIPPER MY NAME IS DIPPAAHHH STOP!" I screamed and you turn the collar on.
"Good get up and don't come out again." Sixer said walking back in. I painfully got up and slow walked back. I looked behind to the forest, I could see it burning and the sky turning red and the worst i was worried animals and creatures in homes there. They need to let me go.

I was pushed into my room and the door closed and locked behind me. I sigh and sit down on my bed. "What am I meant to do." I said frustrated. I jumped when I hear a knock on the window. I turn to see llama smiling awkwardly. I got up and opened the window.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hi sorry I'm not meant to see you but I don't think you deserve this." She said. I nodded and let her in we both sit on my bed in silence.
"...I'm sorry what they're are doing to you. You being with Bill is your choice plus it was better since the creatures are happy you protect them." Llama smiled sadly.
"That's why I need to get out of here. You can see the sky turning red, it's basically hell out there." I laughed quietly.
"I think we can get you out just give me sometime." Llama said. I nod and continue to stare out the window.
"...are..are they trying to break me?" I ask weirdly.
"..I..i don't know maybe but I know you're strong. Don't worry I'll get you out of here." Llama smiled putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod and help her get down from my window. I laid down on my bed and slowly drifted to sleep.

Nobody PoV

Meanwhile with bill, he was basically destroying the fearamid, still in his six-armed red pyramid form screeching. Suddenly a portal opened up, stepped out a girl with dark pink skin with long hot pink hair and built like Jessica rabbit, where a t-shirt and shorts. After a boy with blue and black hair, wearing a blue sweater and jeans stepped out.
"...Did we step into kill's dimension or..?" Pyronica joked.
"What happened." Will whispered. Pyronica shrugged and started walking around.
"YO BILL WHERE YOU AT?!" She shouted.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Bill screeched spawning out of nowhere.
"C-calm d-down bill w-what's wrong?" Will stuttered.
"UH IM SORRY!" Will whimpered. Bill realised he was scaring his brother and calmed down into his human form. He floating down to his brother and hugged him.
"I'm sorry...I'm just pissed." Bill said.
"Pissed? Ha honey that ain't pissed. You literally turned into kill." Pyronica laughed. Bill gave her a glare but looked down sadly.
"What's up with you?" She said floating over to Bill.
"The stupid pines took my mate." Bill mumbled hugging will tighter.
"Excuse my french but what the fuck?! They can't do that!" Will shouted which surprised bill and pyronica.
"Sorry It's just they shouldn't separate mates." Will said.
"Omg my baby boi is growing up." Pyronica squealed, picking up and hugging will.
"Whatever." Will mumbled.
"Thanks will." Bill smiled.
"Hey it's what twin brothers are for." He smiled.

Cya sours~ 🍋

(750 word count)

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