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I wake up the next morning after hearing a bang. I sit up and yawn. I look down and realize that I'm naked so I pull the blankets up, securing them under my arms. I look around.

I'm not in my apartment. As I look around, I see my dress on the floor and a picture of Adam Cole on the little bedside table.

The memories from last night come back to me and I lay back.

Adam and I actually slept together. We actually did. It wasn't a dream like I thought. It's actually reality.

I look next to me and see no one. I tilt my head in confusion and the door opens. Adam stands in the doorway holding bags from iHop.

"You're up," Adam says.

I yawn again and nod. "I'm up," I say. "Why do you have iHop?"

Adam puts the bags on the bed and says, "I ordered breakfast. It's about ten now so I thought that we could eat then head to the Performance Center."

I nod and say, "Sounds good but can I borrow a shirt or something?"

Adam nods and walks to his closet. He grabs one of his Undisputed Era t-shirts and throws it at me. I put it on. I get up and grab my underwear, sliding those on.

"What did you get?" I ask.

He pulls boxes out of the bags and says, "I got different kinds of pancakes with bacon and sausage. There should also be an order of french toast in here too. And actual toast."

I laugh and say, "It's only the two of us."

"Roddy, Bobby, and Kyle are on their way," he says. "We usually have breakfast on Friday mornings together and this week, we're having breakfast here."

I blink at Adam and say, "If they're coming over then I need pants."

Adam laughs and says, "Right. Hold on." He walks to his closet. "Do you want a pair of my sweatpants or a pair of Britt's leggings?"

"Your sweatpants," I say. "I don't want to wear your girlfriend's clothes. Not after we just had sex in the bed she sleeps in."

Adam grabs a pair of sweats and throws them at me. I put them on, tightening the string so they don't fall off of me. He says, "I hope you're okay with the fact that we slept together while I have a girlfriend."

I sit back on the bed with my legs folded and I say, "I wouldn't have let it happen if I wasn't okay with it, Adam. I promise. You said it yourself. She probably won't be your girlfriend for much longer so as long as the relationship ends without my name being mentioned then I'm okay with it."

Adam stands in front of me. He's not wearing a shirt and the shorts he's wearing hang low on his hips. I stare up at him. "She won't find out about us," Adam says. "I'll find a way to end it before she does."

"Good," I say. "I don't want to be a homewrecker."

Adam leans down and smiles, saying, "You're not a homewrecker. Britt and I aren't married or engaged. We just live together."

I look at him. "She'll probably still find a way to blame me," I say.

He says, "I'll shut that down real quick if she tries to blame you for our relationship ending."

"Good," I say, smiling.

Adam smiles back and kisses me. I kiss him back. My hands move and cup his face as he kisses me.

"Ew," I hear Kyle say. "Not in front of the food."

I pull back and laugh. I look around Adam and say, "Hi."

before he cheats | a.coleWhere stories live. Discover now