forty eight

412 15 1

I wake up to the sound of a bag being crumpled. I look up at see Adam putting the Dunkin bag down on the coffee table.

He looks at me and says quietly, "Sorry I woke you. Troy's sleeping too."

I glance down at the sleeping boy on my chest. His thumb is in his mouth. He looks comfortable. I hate that I have to wake him up.

Carefully, I shake Troy's shoulder and say in a sing-song voice, "Troy. Breakfast is here."

He stirs and his head rises slowly. He sees the Dunkin bags on the table and says sleepily, "Munchkins."

Troy gets off of me and Adam's phone begins to ring. He answers it. "What's up, Roddy?" he says. I sit up and look at Adam. I grab my coffee and drink it.

"Yeah, I just needed to stop by your place to bring Angelina and Troy breakfast," Adam says, handing Troy a little cup full of munchkins. "I'm headed out in a few minutes so I'll be there in maybe twenty minutes." I grab my breakfast sandwich out of the bag. "Yeah, see you soon." He hangs up.

I open my breakfast sandwich and ask, "Everything okay?"

Adam nods and says, "Yeah. I was just on my way out to head to the Performance Center when you called and I told Roddy that I was on my way. He thought I would be there by now and he was confused when I didn't show up."

"Ah," I say. "You should get to the Performance Center then."

He gathers his things and asks, "Will you be okay?"

I nod and look at Troy, who sits on the floor in front of the TV. I say, "We'll be okay. We'll probably just lay around until Roderick and Marina get back."

Adam nods and walks over to me. He kisses my head and he says, "Call me once Roddy and Marina get back. My parents do want to have dinner with you before they leave and they leave in a few days. I told them tonight would be good."

I look up at him and ask, "When were you going to tell me this?"

"When I came to get you, probably," he says. I open my mouth to scold him and he cuts me off. "Okay, bye. I love you. I'll come get you when Roddy and Marina get back."

He almost runs toward the door. I shout, "Adam Cole!"

I hear Adam call, "See you later, princess!" The door opens and closes. I look at Troy and he's looking back at me.

Troy says, "He's weird."

I laugh and say, "I agree. He's very weird."

I watch as Troy finishes his munchkins. He yawns as I eat my breakfast sandwich. I finish up and he looks back at me. "Aunt Angelina," he says. "I'm tired."

"Want to go take a little nap in my room?" I ask. Troy nods. "Alright, go throw your trash out, wash your hands then we'll go to my room."

If I'm being honest, I'm very tired too. More tired than I usually am. Even after I drink coffee. I'll probably fall asleep while Troy is sleeping.

I watch as Troy gets up and walk into the kitchen. I get up slowly, a dull ache in my knee forming as I move. I limp to my crutches and pick them up, securing them under my arms. I use them to walk down to my room. Troy runs up and walks beside me.

We walk into my room. I say to Troy, "You can put on whatever you'd like."

Troy smiles and grabs the remote to the TV. He puts on the Spongebob episode he was watching out in the living room.

I get into bed and Troy lays next to me. The three-year-old snuggles up to me and gets comfortable. I hug him to make myself comfortable.

I fight sleep as long as I can but I lose the fight and doze off.

before he cheats | a.coleWhere stories live. Discover now