sixty four

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A few days later, I wake up and something feels off. I feel almost sick. My back hurts a lot and I'm really hungry.

Adam is still asleep next to me. I slip out of bed and I walk to the bathroom. I pull down my pants to pee and I notice blood.

Great, I just started my period. I pee then slip in a tampon. My cramps begin and I crawl back into bed, curling into a ball and holding my lower stomach.

I'm a professional wrestler, I get hit with chairs and kendo sticks. You would think that would be more painful than period cramps but nope. It's not. Period cramps will knock me out for hours at a time sometimes. Getting hit with a steel chair to the back is less painful then cramps.

After a few minutes of the unbearable pain, I begin to cry. That's the other thing that happens while I'm on my period. I cry a lot. It happens over the smallest thing, including over cramps.

Adam must hear me because he wakes up and rests an arm on my waist. "What's wrong?" he asks, sleepily.

I look at Adam with my tear stained cheeks and I say, "It hurts."

He blinks at me and asks, "What hurts?"

"Cramps, Adam," I say, moving so my face is buried in his chest. I keep crying.

Adam rubs my back a bit and asks, "What do you need? Pain medicine? Coffee?"

"Both," I whine in his chest. "But I don't want you to move." Adam chuckles lightly.

He says, "Princess, I'm going to need to move if you want me to go get you pain meds and coffee." He starts to get up and I hold onto him.

I cry, "No."

Adam lays on his back and I have now found myself laying on Adam and holding onto him like I'm a koala or something.

His hands are on my waist and he says, "Princess, if you want coffee or pain meds then you have to let me go."

I mumble into his chest, "Take me with you."

Adam laughs softly and rolls out of bed with me holding on to him like there's no tomorrow. He leaves the bedroom and walks into the kitchen.

He sits me on the counter and I pout at him. He says, "Don't kill anything, I will be right back with your pain meds."

I make a face at him and he walks away. He grabs my pain medicine and comes back, making a cup of coffee.

I stare at him and kick my feet like I'm a child.

Adam Cole looks very hot when he's taking care of me. I don't know what it is about him taking care of me but it makes him a million times hotter.

I also am liking the fact that I moved in four days ago so I don't have to call him over to take care of me.

He finishes making my coffee and he hands me the cup. I take my meds, downing them with coffee. I smile.

"Thank you for the coffee, baby," I say.

Adam smiles at me and says, "I'm glad you're happy now, princess. I thought you were going to kill me a few minutes ago."

I blink at him and I say, "There's still time. I bleed for five days most of the time so you better be careful." I sip my coffee.

He kisses my cheek and says, "I'm so scared."

I put my coffee down on the counter and I kick his side very hard. "Ow," he says. "Okay, maybe I'm a little scared."

I smile and drink my coffee.

before he cheats | a.coleWhere stories live. Discover now