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hi this the first fanfic i've written so im still kinda figuring everything out! my writing definitely improves as it goes on and chapters 1-5 are a little shorter than the rest. in the first few chapters there's a few paragraphs from reid or hotch's perspective and i use "~" to show that. i stopped doing that after chapter 5ish because i just didn't really like that format. enjoy!!


It felt like the team hadn't stopped working for the past three months. Every time a case ended, JJ walked through the door holding a new file. Nobody had gotten more than one night in a row of sleep at their own house, let alone any free time for something other than work. Because of that, Hotch had organized a team bonding camping trip at a national park a few hours away from the case you had just finished.

Everyone grabbed their luggage and headed out of the hotel to the two large SUVs that waited for you. Because of all the suitcases and camping supplies, the team would have to split up. Emily, Rossi, and Morgan all got into one car and Penelope followed, wanting to stay with Derek. That left Spencer, JJ, Hotch, and you for the second car.

"I'll drive" JJ said while opening the door to the driver's seat.

Spencer started walking towards the passenger door, but before he reached it Hotch opened it and climbed in. That left him and you to sit in the backseat. The two of you were good friends, closer than most of the others on the team. Despite your friendship, you couldn't ignore that he was attractive. You would never act on it though because you worked together and wanted to keep things professional. You were also pretty sure he saw you as just a friend. Considering you didn't want to ruin your close friendship or work, it never bothered you.

A few minutes into the ride Hotch started answering emails, Spencer pulled out a book, and you started talking to JJ about a sale at some store you both liked.

When you were almost to the campsite she asked, "Hey, y/n, I forgot to ask you before. How did that date go with...what was his name? Liam?"

You had really been hoping she wouldn't bring that up. JJ was the only one that knew about it, and even still all she knew was that you went. It was so unimportant, and honestly somewhat embarrassing, you hadn't felt the need to tell any of your other friends, especially not Hotch or Reid. Penelope always had a way of getting the details out of you which would then be shared with JJ and Emily, but other than that you preferred to keep your dating life private.

Reid looked away from his book and at you for a split second waiting for a response. Hotch had finished his emails and was chiming into yours and JJ's conversation for the past few minutes. Now he was quiet, but he seemed to still be listening.

Liam was a nice guy. That was about it. He was just like every other guy you met. He took you to the movies, bought you popcorn, and kissed you in the theater. He invited you back to his place and you agreed to go since you hadn't got much action in the busy past few months. When you were in bed, once again he was just like every other guy you had gone out with. He tried his best but you didn't really...enjoy yourself.

Emily, JJ, and Penelope all knew about the trouble you were having in bed. Liam wasn't the first guy to disappoint, for a while now the only way you finished was by yourself. It was nice to have people to talk with about it, but you were starting to get seriously frustrated.

"Trust me, there's nothing to hear about. We went to the movies then back to his place and it was the same as with the ones before him."

You tried to be discreet about what you were referring to, hoping JJ would understand. Even though you hadn't told Spencer, Hotch, or Morgan about the problems you were having, they still found out. Regardless, you didn't want to directly talk about your sex life in front of them. JJ seemed to catch on, so she made a small comment about how you'll find someone better soon and then changed the subject. You hadn't noticed, but despite Spencer reading and Hotch gazing out the window they had both been listening and both picked up on what you were talking about.


Hotch didn't want to be nosy, but word got around fast through the team. He felt bad for y/n. She was clearly beautiful and one of the most caring, generous people he knew. He remembered when he first met her a couple years back, he couldn't believe she didn't have a boyfriend. Their job didn't exactly allow for lots of free time so it was understandable that she had been having a hard time finding something steady. What he couldn't understand is how after going on so many dates, nobody knew how to satisfy her.

Team Bonding [reader x spencer x hotch]Where stories live. Discover now