9-charm and harm

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On the drive home from work, you couldn't decide if you were angry or amused. How could Hotch do that to you, especially just hours before your date with Spencer? At the same time, you were happily surprised you got to see that side of him. You knew he was more playful than he let on at work, but you hadn't seen him act anything like how he was in the elevator.

When you walked into your apartment, you quickly rinsed off your body in the shower. You redid your makeup, still keeping it simple, but putting on a little bit of light brown eyeshadow this time. You were walking over to your closet when you glanced at the clock and saw it read 7:15. Spencer was going to pick you up at 7:30, and he was never late, so you hurried to pick out and outfit. You decided on a floral mini dress with a rectangular neckline and small puff sleeves. You put on a couple of gold layered necklaces and brown wedges. You brushed your loosely curled hair over your shoulder and grabbed your phone and bag when you heard a knock on the door. You opened it to see Spencer standing there wearing black pants and a navy blue button down.

"Hey", you smiled as he stared at you.

"Wow you uh- you look beautiful."

You tried not to blush as you thanked him, and the two of you headed to his car. You hadn't thought about how the dynamic between you two might change between being at work and on a date. As soon as you got in the car your worries disappeared, he started talking as normal, ocasionally throwing out an obscure fact.


Spencer took you to a nice restaurant in the city and then you two got ice cream and browsed through a bookstore next to the ice cream shop. You talked about your very different taste in books as you giggled and strolled the aisles. He tried to convince you to read multiple books, all of which were way too long given your job and inability to read 20,000 words per minute. You did agree however, to let him buy you his favorite book, The Narrative of John Smith. While you had been walking around all night, he was always either holding your hand or draping his arm over your shoulder. It felt comforting, you loved the way he was still being the Spencer you knew while also treating you like more than a friend.

When you arrived back at your place he offered to walk you in. You entered the doors of the building and walked up the stairs. When you got to your floor, his tone changed. "Y/n, I really enjoyed taking you out tonight. I hope it's something you'd want to do with me again."

You didn't take your eyes off him as you both walked down the hallway to your door, "I had such a good time Spence, I love spending time with you." You leaned up on your tippy toes and lightly pressed your lips into his as he wrapped an arm around your back. He put the other arm around your neck to pull you in closer and you wished that moment could last forever. Your arms were tight around his back while his hands travelled all over your body. You felt his soft tongue push into your mouth and you almost let out a small noise.

"I um, should probably get going, I don't want to keep you up too late since we have work at 7:30 tomorrow." He spoke as you finally pulled apart for a second. You nodded and placed one last kiss on his lips.

"Goodnight y/n," he said as he started walking away.

"Goodnight Spence." You were so wrapped up in the way Spencer made you feel tonight, you had almost forgotten about what happened with Hotch earlier. That is until you turned to face your door to unlock it, and you spotted a small heart shaped chocolate box with a note on it, leaning against the bottom of the doorframe. "Spencer!" You shouted as he was almost at the end of the hallway now, "You didn't have to get me anything else!"

He turned around to see you holding the little box and said, "I didn't."


After making it inside your apartment, you set the heart shaped box and book down next to your keys on the table. You sighed and thought about how you might have just ruined an almost perfect date. You realized your mistake as soon as you saw the expression on Spencer's face when he turned around. When he spoke, you profusely apologized and he kept saying it was okay but you knew it made him uncomfortable.

You opened the note attached to the box to see the handwriting you recognized so well:

I know you might be out late tonight but get coffee with me tomorrow before work? 6:30? Maybe we can continue where we left off earlier...

You smiled after reading it and then remembered how Hotch had made you so needy earlier. You texted him to agree to going and then got ready for bed. Going on two dates in two days was certainly new to you.


sorry for the short chapter!

Team Bonding [reader x spencer x hotch]Where stories live. Discover now