15-risky business

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When you woke up you heard two voices arguing. You turned to shove your face into the pillow as you groaned. It felt way too early for whatever conversation was going on. Oh shit. It took you a minute to remember what had gone down last night. You started to panic as you thought about how uncomfortable work was going to be. You rolled over again to face the voices and barely squinted your eyes open.

You heard Hotch snap, "It doesn't matter what you want. It's her decision to make."

You saw Spencer take a few steps back and forth as he set his hands on his head, "It isn't safe and you know it."

"That doesn't mean I can make the choice for her!" Aaron was raising his voice even more now.

You were becoming a little concerned and really hoped they weren't talking about you. What decisions were they even talking about? Too dangerous? It had to be someone else. You finally sat up against the pillows, neither of them had even noticed you were stirring. "What the hell are you two yelling about this early in the morning?"

Their eyes shot to you, the air in the room shifted and you could feel their nerves. Reid stared at you and then glanced at Hotch. He started to leave the room, but not before mumbling over his shoulder, "You tell her."

The door slammed shut and you leaned forward towards Hotch who was standing at the side of the bed, slinging his tie around his neck. "Tell me what?" You were more stern than usual, you didn't want him to sugarcoat whatever this was.

He sighed. "Reid woke up when I took a call about 30 minutes ago. It was from the police department, they found two more bodies." You understood how serious this was now. The unsub went from killing two people a week apart to two people in one night. "These are the pictures that were sent over from the crime scene." He watched your face carefully as he unlocked his phone.

You held back a gasp when you saw them. They had the same color hair, eyes and skin tone as you. Now that you thought back to the other two victims they looked slightly similar to you too. You guys had taken their looks into consideration, but the first two didn't look as similar as these did. "Oh," was all you could manage out. Besides it being unsettling to know women who resembled you so much were being killed in the area, something else bothered you. You were pretty sure you knew what they had been arguing about earlier. "You want to use me as bait, don't you? That's what you and Spence were arguing about?"

Hotch stared at you before responding. "The last thing I want is to put you in a dangerous situation, you don't have to do it if you're uncomfortable with it. But you know you're the only one who matches the unsub's type. If you choose not to, we'll have to use a different strategy. I don't want you to feel pressured, we can still catch him without doing this."

You perched on the edge of the bed closest to Hotch now. You knew you were the best chance they had and you couldn't stand the thought of him killing someone else because you refused to do this. You stared at the floor and pulled the covers tighter around your body, "I'll do it."

He stepped forward to cup your cheek, although he seemed more hesitant than usual now. Maybe because of last night. You dreaded the thought of ever having to discuss last night's events with Reid and Hotch, but you knew it was inevitable. He avoided your eyes,"Y/n, there's one more thing you need to know before agreeing. Garcia did some digging and was able to find a single connection between all four victims." You raised your eyebrows. "They all had the same occupation." Oh, you were expecting something worse. "They were all...", he cleared his throat, "exotic dancers." Oh.


It was 9pm as you stood fidgeting with the sleeve of your coat in the police station. Spencer hadn't talked to you for the whole day. He was furious when he found out you agreed to go undercover. He tried taking out his anger on Hotch, but you insisted it was all your idea. Considering his past, it made sense he wasn't the biggest fan of you practically handing yourself to the unsub. But this wasn't about you, it was about the women who were potentially in danger.

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