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"Y/n come on, I want to see it!"

"Penny, I don't know. It might be too much," you sighed and peeked your head out from the dressing room curtain.

"I'm sure it looks great just show me already!"

You pulled the curtain all the way open, revealing the loose gold threaded chiffon dress that ended right past your feet. Stepping towards the mirror, you tied the silk belt that landed at the top of your waist. As you turned to face Penelope you noticed her mouth hanging open. You were worried about her not saying anything yet and tried to break the silence, "It might be a little over the top."

"Y/n you'd be crazy not to buy it, everyone is gonna be drooling over you. And it's a gala, you're supposed to dress up!"

Trying not to blush you responded, "Okay fine. I'll get it but I can't guarantee I'll end up wearing it."

Penelope tried to hide her smile, "Whatever you say."


Staring in the mirror, you slipped on a pair of small earrings. You glanced at the clock while putting one last bobby pin in the loose bun that rested on the back of your neck. As you bent down to slip on a pair of heels, the two curled pieces of hair outside the bun fell in front of your eyes. You took one last look in the mirror, admiring the dress Garcia helped you pick out a week prior. When you heard your phone ring you grabbed your purse then headed to the car waiting outside.

The FBI Gala was an event hosted every other year at a museum in DC. Most departments were invited, but it was still seen as an honor to attend. You had been to a few before but didn't necessarily look forward to them considering you had to be around so many high ranking people. In the past you went with Garcia and Emily, but this year they brought dates meaning you had to bring one too. As much as you wanted to go with Aaron or Spencer you knew that wasn't realistic. Instead you had to settle for...someone else.


The car pulled into the valet line and before you could, someone opened your door. He shut it behind you and you linked an arm in his.

"Have I mentioned how good you look tonight?"

You held back a laugh, "Only about 4 times throughout the car ride."

The two of you walked up the steps leading to the entrance, "Sorry, it's just, I'm really glad you asked to see me again."

"I'm glad too, Liam. Work has been really busy since our date a few months ago and I just didn't have any free time. But I'm glad we can catch up now."

"Me too."


You walked down the large staircase and scanned the ballroom for your table. Since the BAU was so small, everyone from the team was able to sit together.

The first person you saw was Hotch, pulling out his chair about to sit down. He looked good. You saw him laugh and followed his eyes to the seat next to him where a woman with short brown hair sat. Your heart sank at the sight of them together.

Arm still intertwined with Liam's, you arrived at the table. Aaron's eyes met yours immediately, "Y/n, I don't think you've met my date yet. This is Beth."

Smiling, she reached out to shake your hand, "So nice to meet you."

She seemed nice enough but seeing her with Hotch made you indescribably angry. Faking a smile you replied, "You too." You then noticed everyone staring at Liam standing next to you,"Oh, I don't think anyone here has met my date either, this is Liam." You sat down watching Aaron's face fall at the sound of his name. You were pretty sure JJ was giving you a look too but you ignored her. As you sat down and conversations resumed you realized Spencer was the only one not there yet.

Team Bonding [reader x spencer x hotch]Where stories live. Discover now