8-unfinished business

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The weekend after telling Spencer and Hotch that you wanted to try dating was fairly uneventful. You were busy catching up on errands and chores around the house, so you barely got a chance to talk to either of them.

You entered the door to the office on Monday and noticed something on your desk. When you got closer, you saw it was a bouquet of pink and red roses. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling, it had been so long since someone did something romantic for you. You picked up the ivory colored card that stuck out of them and it read:

"It is better to love wisely, no doubt: but to love foolishly is better than not being able to love at all."


You instantly recognized the quote from "Vanity Fair", the novel which you had told Spencer you were reading a few weeks ago. You looked over to his desk where he shot you a glance and smiled, at the same time your phone buzzed. He had sent you a text saying, "Dinner tonight?" You looked over to him again and nodded, hoping he would notice.

"Ooh y/n, flowers? Who's the guy?" Garcia asked while walking to you and standing next to your desk. You hid the card in your hand so she wouldn't be able to read that "-S".

"It uhm didn't say who it was from...probably that guy I went out with a few weeks ago." Luckily Morgan called her over to where he was standing across the room before she could further interrogate you. You knew it was going to be difficult dating two people that worked in the same office as you without the team noticing, but you would have to try.

The day went by pretty slow. With no new case, everyone was stuck at their desks filing reports and doing paperwork. You occasionally peeked over at Spencer who would sometimes look up in return. When you had entered the office this morning you could see through Hotch's window into his office and saw him sitting at his desk. Later in the day when you thought to look again though, his blinds were shut.


Hotch didn't know how to do this. Aaron Hotchner was not the type to date. He dated Haley then they got married and clearly that didn't end up so great. He never casually dated anyone though, especially not people he worked with. He glanced out his window when y/n walked up to her desk this morning. He saw the flowers as soon as she did and after she read the note and looked at Reid, it confirmed they were from him. Hotch hated how frustrated it made him. Why hadn't he thought of sending her flowers? After a few hours, he couldn't stand seeing the two of them sitting across from each other casting longing glances at one another every few minutes. He simply got up, shut all the blinds, and then his door.


It was 5:30pm when you stood up from your chair, put on your jacket, and grabbed your purse. You went on saying bye to everyone and headed to the elevator. Once you were in you clicked the button for the ground floor and as the doors began closing an arm reached in to keep them open.

Hotch stepped in next to you, "Agent y/l/n."

"Agent Hotchner", you spoke as the doors shut.

A few seconds after the elevator started moving down, Hotch pulled the emergency stop button.

"Hotch why would you-" But before you could finish he had already grabbed your wrist and pinned your arm above your head against the wall. His other hand rested on your waist, as he lightly moved it from there to the top of your thigh. His face was only an inch away from yours, and you could feel his warm minty breath.

He started trailing kisses from your jawline down to your neck. "I noticed...someone...sent you...flowers..." he whispered in between kisses. He stopped for a second to stare into your eyes. "Is that what you like? Receiving gifts?" he asked as his hand that was on your waist slipped down until it found its way under your skirt and rested on your underwear. You tilted your head back as you closed your eyes and let out the quietest moan which made him smirk. He started rubbing his hand back and forth painfully slow, while watching your facial expression. He let go of your wrist and trailed a finger down the soft side of your arm and then put that hand under your chin. You dropped your arm from above your head as he started moving his other hand slightly harder. The hand under your chin moved your head from leaning against the wall, forcing you to look at him again. "Reid is a good kid..." his hand under your skirt started moving faster.

"Oh Hotch!" you cried out as he rubbed just the right spot. When you did though, he slowed his pace again, keeping you from getting close to finishing.

"He's a good kid, but that's just it, he's a kid. You've been with so many boys. Let me show you how a man could make you feel."

After that you leaned forward forcing your lips to collide with his and he removed his hand from under your skirt and the other from your chin. He Instead grabbed the back of your thighs and picked you up, pushing you against the wall again as his tongue entered your mouth. Your legs were wrapped tight around his body, and your arms around his neck. He kissed you harder than that night in the hotel room as his lips parted making room for your tongue.

He moved one of his hands back to under your skirt, but he went under your underwear this time too. "See, you're so wet for me already. And from what? Kissing you and pushing you against a wall?" He slid his fingers inside for a split second of pure bliss, before removing them and showing you how slippery they had gotten. He moved his fingers up to his mouth and gently sucked them as you watched. In that moment, you wanted nothing more than for him to be inside you.

Instead, he set you down with your skirt now scrunched up to your waist, and pushed the stop button back in forcing the elevator to continue moving again.

"Hotch! You can't just do that to me in an elevator at work and not finish what you started."

"I think I can," he smiled as the doors opened and he stepped out. "Have fun with Reid tonight" he glanced back one more time before walking away. He had only guessed that the text y/n had received and then looked at Spencer and nodded about was something having to do with plans for tonight. Based on her reaction though, he was pretty sure he guessed right.

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