20-sex, birth, death

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You tried to open your eyes but squeezed them shut in response to the bright white light. When you turned your head slightly to the side you winced in pain. You were so confused it took you a moment to recognize the aching all throughout your body. You decided to try and open your eyes again, this time was more successful but the light still hurt.

"Miss Y/l/n?" You opened your eyes more now to see a doctor standing at the foot of your bed. You glanced around you and noticed the monitors and the loose gown you were wearing. You were in a hospital.

"What happened?" You groaned and tried to lift yourself up a little, but were unsuccessful.

"You were involved in an accident. A car that was driving too fast ran a red light and hit you. It's a miracle that your injuries aren't worse."

Before he could say anything else, the door flew open. "I'm going to kill whoever did this. You said you would tell me as soon as she woke up", Hotch sounded angry as he stormed past the doctor and leaned down next to you. He kissed your cheek and then held your hand in his, "Thank god you're alright, I was so worried." It almost looked like he was about to cry. You tried to think of something to say but your head still felt cloudy, all you could do was smile.

"Mr.Hotchner, I was just about to go alert you and the others. Miss y/l/n only woke up a few minutes ago." It seemed like the doctor was trying to apologize. All Hotch did in response was nod. "Before I tell them you've woken up, there's one more thing. I was going to tell you this alone, but that was before I knew the two of you were a couple." The doctor was fidgeting with his pen as he walked to stand closer to the bed again. "I'm very sorry Miss Y/l/n, but you lost the baby."

Suddenly you were wide awake. Your mouth dropped open, "The-the what?!" Hotch's hand let go of your own and he stood up and stormed out the same way he entered. "Aaron!" You called after him but he was already heading down the hallway. Tears started pouring down your face and your voice quivered, "I-I had no idea I was..."

The doctor came over and rested a hand on your shoulder, "You were only a few weeks along. I'm so sorry, please if there's anything I can do for you let me know."

You nodded and looked at him with your tear stained face, "Could you just wait a few minutes before letting anyone else in?"

"Of course", he turned and began to exit the room.

"Actually wait! Can you send in Emily Prentiss?"


After the doctor left to get Emily you had wiped your tears the best you could, you didn't need anyone asking unnecessary questions.

When Emily walked in, she rushed over to your side and gasped, "Y/n!"

"Em", you whispered as her arms wrapped around you.

"The doctor says you're going to be okay, I just couldn't imagine what I would do if...", her voice trailed off and a tear fell down her face. You tried to hold back your own tears but couldn't do it. This was all too much.

"Uh- um how is everyone else? Do they know I'm alright? I don't want them to be too worried, I'll talk to them all soon. I just thought it might be too much to see them all at once."

She sat in the chair next to your bed and nodded, "They'll understand." She lifted her hand up to her mouth and bit one of her nails while avoiding eye contact with you.

"Emily, I'm a profiler too you know. What is it you're not telling me?"

She dropped her hand from her mouth, "It's just...earlier, Hotch left for a few minutes to come see if you were awake. When he came back out he was mad, really mad. And then I asked him something about you, then Reid did, and he yelled at both of us and, and he said he needed some air." She watched you carefully.


"He's been acting strange a lot lately."

"Yeah, uh, I've noticed that too. Maybe something's going on in his life that we don't know about." You tried to keep her from connecting the dots.

"Yeah, maybe. Do you want me to get anyone else?"


Everyone had come in and checked up on you, nobody wanting to leave your side. When they did though, they were all together so you hadn't got a chance to be alone with Spencer yet. And to make things worse, Hotch still hadn't come back to your room.

It was night now, and you insisted everyone should sleep at home and they could visit in the morning if they wanted. As everyone left, Spencer told them he wanted to stay with you for a little longer to see if you had a concussion. Nobody questioned it and finally the two of you were alone.

You moved over to make room for him to lay down next to you and he rested his forehead against yours. He whispered reassuringly, "Everything's okay."

You closed your eyes, "Spence I need to tell you something."

His fingers rested under your chin, "What is it?"

"Sorry to interrupt", Aaron shut the door behind him and he moved to the end of the bed. Spencer moved away from you and sat on the side of the bed. "Does he know?"

You shook your head side to side, "I was just about to tell him."

"Tell me what?" Spencer seemed concerned.

"Spence, when the doctor was in here earlier. He...he..." Your eyes started to tear up again. You definitely did not want a baby right now, but something about you being pregnant and having no idea about it was overwhelming. "He told me I was pregnant. But I lost the baby."

Spencer stood up now, "You...you were..."

"I'm on birth control, it shouldn't have happened. I thought I was being safe, I'm- I'm sorry." Nobody spoke.

As the tears started falling, you noticed Aaron's facial expression soften. He looked at his feet, "It's not your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for." He looked up at you, "I'm sorry for earlier, I  shouldn't have left, I just needed some time."

"Yeah well I think now I need some time", Spencer turned to leave just like Hotch did earlier.

"I'll talk to him", Hotch followed him out.

And once again, you were left alone.

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