7-the pact

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You and Hotch stared at the door.

After a few seconds you started walking towards it while trying to smooth your hair down. You didn't bother checking who it was, it was probably one of the housekeepers dropping off towels or something. You opened the door the slightest bit so that nobody could see into the room past you. It was definitely not housekeeping.

You tried to keep your eyes from popping out of your head, "S-spencer?"

"I know it's late, I hope I'm not intruding. But I need to tell you something."

This could not be happening, certainly not while Hotch sat less than 10 feet away from you and after you had just made out with him. Luckily, Reid couldn't see into your room because of how little you had opened the door. You tried not to imagine Hotch sitting there listening to whatever conversation was about to happen.

"Spence it's late maybe we can just talk tomor-"

"I'll be quick I promise. Y/n I know we work together and I love being your friend but lately I've been beginning to wonder if I feel more than that. It isn't normal to get jealous when you see one of your friends talking to another guy. If you don't feel the same way I understand, but if you do would it really be so bad to give us a try?"

You were at a complete loss. You loved Hotch and Reid, they were two of your closest friends and you wanted them to both be happy. It didn't help that you thought both of them were hot. But you never imagined either of them would feel the same way, definitely not both of them and definitely not on the same night. Who would you rather be with, how were you supposed to know? And would you even enjoy dating either of them? You were just about to open your mouth when you felt someone behind you grab the door and pull it open all the way.

You couldn't read Spencer's face as he saw Hotch standing behind you holding the door open.

"Y/n, we can finish our conversation tomorrow," he pushed past you. "Reid" he nodded his head in acknowledgement when walking through the doorway.

Spencer turned and waited until he saw Hotch's door shut. "You couldn't have told me he was sitting in there?" He seemed annoyed which was understandable.

"How was I supposed to know what you were gonna say?!"

He squinted his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows, "What was he doing in your room this late anyways?"

You knew he'd be able to see right through any lies you tried to tell. "I- uh, he um..." You gave up on trying to find an excuse, "Your comment the other day might not have been too far off."

He thought for a second before a new emotion shot across his face. It looked like he was going to say something but instead he turned around and started to walk away.

"Spence! How was I supposed to know he felt that way? Or that you felt the way you do? This isn't my fault."

He turned around and sighed. "I know but that doesn't make it any better. Now him and I know how we both feel about you, how are we supposed to act at work? And are you expected to choose one of us?"

"I don't know." You looked at your feet as you spoke, trying to avoid eye contact with him.

He put his hand on your shoulder, "Just get some rest, we can figure it out tomorrow."

You nodded and shut your door. As you walked into your bathroom you thought about how fast tonight had gone downhill. When you looked in the mirror you realized your shirt still had a few buttons undone, your lips were bright pink and slightly swollen, and despite your efforts to fix it your hair was a complete mess. Once Spencer saw Hotch leave, he had to know what had just happened.

You rinsed off quickly before changing into pajamas and crawling into bed. This was going to be a long week at work.


You had been dreading work when you woke up, but everything went on as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. The case was difficult, keeping the team at the police station until almost 12am everyday. Every night when you returned to the hotel, you were far too exhausted to try and figure out your personal life. Although work had been normal for you, you sensed some tension between Hotch and Reid. They talked only when necessary, without making it too obvious to the rest of the team. Finally, after 4 days, you were on the jet home and everyone was exhausted.

You were taking a short nap on the couch in the plane when you woke up to see Spencer sitting next to you. He gave you a small smile when you looked at him. Then Hotch walked over to you, and you realized you three were the only ones awake.

He sat in the chair in front of the couch and looked between the two of you, "I know this isn't going to be a fun conversation, but we clearly need to talk about what happened the other night."

Spencer looked at him before saying, "Well what are you expecting? Is y/n just supposed to pick between us right now...you can't just throw that at her."

"Reid that is not what I said. All I'm saying is I don't want this affecting our work."

You weren't completely sure of what to say but you figured you had to say something. You nodded, "I know Hotch, I understand and I would never want this to change how we do our jobs." You thought for a moment before the corner of your lip almost lifted into a smile. "What about...dating?"

The two men looked at each other then at you. Hotch looked like he didn't quite understand, "Dating? Do you mean dating us both at the same time?"

"I mean, it wouldn't be the worst thing. Even if I had picked one of you it's not like I'd move In and we'd get married right away. I would've wanted to spend time growing closer romantically before things got serious anyways. Dating is just casually getting to know people better, what's the difference if it's with two people at once?" You were unsure about how this would work, but proud of yourself for finding an answer to your problems.

"Okay, I'm in." Reid tried to look happy even though he just wanted you for himself, but then he remembered Hotch probably felt the same way.

"If it's what you want I'll give it a try." Hotch didn't exactly like this, but if he said no he knew he wouldn't have a chance.

You really had thought dating was the perfect solution, but things still managed to get complicated.

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