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When the car parked in front of the campsite, you noticed two tents were already put up. Emily, Rossi, Derek, and Penelope had already set up almost everything from their car. When Hotch stepped out of the car, Dave asked if he wanted to share one of the tents with him and Morgan. 

Hotch nodded his head and Emily explained, "We must have forgotten to pack one of the tents, there's only three. JJ, Reid, and y/n one of you will have to share with me and Garcia while the other two take the last tent."

Reid opted out since he was closer to you and JJ than Garcia or Prentiss. Even though you loved Spencer, you'd be more comfortable in a tent with the girls rather than him since you'd have to change in there. But considering JJ was married, you figured it'd be best if you took one for the team.

"JJ, I'll take the third tent with Spence if you want."

JJ thanked you and everyone started bringing their bags out to the tents.


After unpacking, Rossi made burgers and everyone ate and talked around one of the picnic tables on the site. When you finished dinner, it had started to get chilly outside so everyone decided to make a campfire. You huddled around and roasted marshmallows while Spencer told some old ghost story.

It was around 11pm when everyone went to their tents for bed. You and Reid took turns changing inside while the other stood right outside the tent. The tents were small, but big enough for you and Spencer to keep to yourselves.

"It's freezing in here. Did we seriously only bring two little blankets for each of us?"

Spencer let out a small laugh, but didn't say anything back.

"Hey Spence, sorry if this is weird but do you mind if I...scooch a little closer? I'm so cold and maybe if we share our blankets it won't be so bad." You immediately realized this might be coming off the wrong way. But you were good friends and really cold so it shouldn't be weird, right?

He hesitated for a minute before speaking, "Uh...uhm yeah sure. I'm actually pretty cold myself."

With that, you slid over until you were almost touching. You both fell asleep within minutes thanks to the extra warmth. 


You woke up to someone talking and moving next to you. It was still dark outside, so you knew Spencer wasn't waking up for the day. It took you a minute before realizing he was...crying?

"Please, please I'll do anything. I know you don't want to hurt me, I can help you. Please just let me-" he let out in between tears. He was shaking and curling his body as if someone were hitting him.

"Spence...Spencer?" You said concerned as you touched his arm. "Spencer it's okay, you're okay. You're safe, you're here with me." You wrapped an arm around him while lightly shaking him to try and get him to wake up.

"Y/n?" He said in a half asleep voice, turning his head to face you. "I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or wake you up." He quickly sat up as you dropped your arm from around his body.

"No, you didn't scare me. Don't worry about it at all...are you okay though Spence? Was that about..." Your voice trailed off. After being kidnapped, Spencer insisted he was okay and getting his own help anytime anyone mentioned it. The whole team had pushed at first, but after a few months of him saying he was in therapy everyone let it go. At this point, it had been years and he never brought it up so you hadn't considered how much it could still be affecting him.

He nodded his head, "It used to happen every night. Only a few times a year now. I'm sorry though I should've warned you."

"It's okay, just rest." You said while rubbing his arm.

Spencer nodded his head and laid down again. You curled up right next to him again and this time your back rested against the front of his body.


sorry for this being another short chapter, but don't worry in the next few chapters things are gonna get a little interesting

Team Bonding [reader x spencer x hotch]Where stories live. Discover now