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"Spencer, this is the last time I'm going to ask. Please call me back so we can talk. Or you could just come by Rossi's tonight with everyone else. See you later hopefully, bye." That was the 5th message you had left him since a week and a half ago when he walked out of your hospital room. You didn't want to be clingy, he just needed some time. But he was never mad at you and he never ignored you like this.

You ended the message and stepped out of Emily's car, walking up the steps to Rossi's house with her. After the car crash you had to stay in the hospital for a few more days. When you were released you went to Emily's and had been staying with her for the past week. You had a concussion, which you insisted was gone now, so you needed someone to help look after you. You knew Hotch would have said yes had you asked, but it felt like too much considering he already had a kid to take care of. He had texted you multiple times a day to check in though, he wanted to visit you but knew Emily would get suspicious if he did.

It was 7pm now and you stood knocking on the door to Rossi's house, wearing a short white sundress and brown wedges. The door swung open, "Y/n!" Rossi grabbed your face and kissed both of your cheeks. He put his arm over your shoulder as he walked you and Emily into the kitchen where everyone else was.

Between the incident going undercover and the car crash, Rossi decided to have a get together with the team to celebrate you recovering. You told them it was unnecessary, but of course they didn't listen. You were pulled into hugs from every direction; it was the first time anyone had seen you since you were in the hospital. Rossi passed you a glass of wine as you stood at the counter catching up with everyone.



You were three glasses of wine and 1 shot of vodka in and Garcia dragged you along with everyone else out to the backyard to dance. You wished in that moment that Spencer had shown up because you knew he would stand off to the side with you, laughing while watching everyone else. You tried to slip into a chair, but Morgan grabbed your arm, "What do you think you're doing? After Hotch and I saw you dance in the club the other night there's no excuse for you to not dance here." You sighed, dragging your feet as he pulled you back towards the group.



Everyone was sitting on the floor in the living room playing cards against humanity now. You threw your head back, cracking up at whatever Penelope just read. You only had a couple more drinks, maybe two glasses of wine since you danced outside? Then there were also three more shots. Or was it five?



You lost track of drinks a while ago, it seemed like people just kept passing them to you. There was no question about it, you were wasted. Nights like these usually ended up with everyone staying over anyways. You curled up in the big chair situated at the corner of the living room, everyone else passed out on the couch, floor, or other chairs. Your eyes shut as you draped a fuzzy blanket over your legs.



"Y/n...y/nnnn." Your eyes fluttered open at the sound combined with a hand gently shaking your shoulder.

"A-aaron?" You mumbled, you were still completely drunk and considering the way he hummed your name, you were pretty sure he was too.

"C'mon, I wanna show you something", he whispered next to your ear, trying to bite back a laugh.

"Aaron I'm tiredddd", you groaned and squeezed your eyes shut. You opened them a second later only to meet his deep brown ones, face only an inch from yours. You couldn't help but smile, seeing the pleading look on his face. You reached your hand up to grab his and he helped pull you up.

Standing up you giggled as you almost fell back onto the ground. He held your hand tighter and pulled your body against his. Using his free hand he pushed a finger against your lips, "Shh." He couldn't help but smile a little himself. He led you through the living room and kitchen, finally exiting the sliding door to the backyard.

Hand still intertwined with yours, he led you to the grass under the lights hanging outside. You shivered, "Aaron it's cold out here." You whispered as you spoke, tilting your head back slightly to look at him.

"Come closer then", his voice was like velvet as he tilted his head down to be closer to yours. Before you could respond, his hands were on your waist, holding you close against his warm body. You reached your arms around his neck and smiled, pressing the side of your face against his chest. You rocked back and forth with him until his hand met yours again. He lifted it up and twirled you around, spinning you back into his arms, smile not leaving your face the whole time.

After a few minutes, he picked you up with his hands under the backs of your knees. You laughed into his neck, "Where are we goinggg?" His only response was a laugh of his own. You turned around to see him heading towards the pool. "Aaron you better not be-", you were cut off by him picking up his pace then jumping forward with you still in his arms. The only thing you could do was scream.

The cold water rushed over every part of you and as much as you hated it, you loved it. The moment your head popped above water you swam towards him. "I'm going to kill you", you kicked your legs to stay afloat.

His feet still reached the bottom in the deep end, so you grabbed you again to hold you up. "I'd like to see you try." You stared at him, admiring the way the water glistened on his face and the small piece of hair falling over his forehead. He stared back at you, "What?" You grabbed the sides of his face and pulled it to yours. Your tongue slipped inside his mouth and you could taste a hint of the whiskey he had been drinking earlier. You tugged at his bottom lip and he groaned, moving one hand to you back of your head, pulling you even closer. You kissed him more, tugging at his hair while he grabbed a fist of yours.

You stopped for a moment, leaning your forehead against his. Your eyes gazed into his and he ran his thumb over your cheek, wiping a drop of water away. You took one hand off the back of his neck and put it under the water. You swiped it along the surface of the pool, splashing him in the face. You laughed and tried to swim to the other end but he grabbed your legs. You kicked them in an effort to still get away, but he pulled you back to him. He was laughing too now, and he let go of your legs as he shook his hair out. You once again treaded the water to keep your head up. You watched Hotch's face disappear below the surface and he grabbed your stomach, tickling you underwater. You laughed and kicked your legs in response. At the same exact time, the backyard door slid open.



hi sorry for taking a few days to update, i'm making this a few more chapters than expected so i had to rework some stuff. it'll probably be somewhere between 27-30 chapters! also im pretty sure rossi doesn't have a pool but for this chapter lets just pretend

ps i keep seeing people talk about which season characters they're imagining and when i started i was thinking season 7 reid but lately i've been thinking more season 13 and up. for hotch i'm kinda thinking early seasons but sometimes season 7. honestly though just imagine whatever u like most

Team Bonding [reader x spencer x hotch]Where stories live. Discover now