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Walking into the office Monday morning, you adjusted your collar then your skirt at least 3 times. You were suddenly very aware of your appearance. Not only was this the first day back since the phone call, it was also your first time seeing Spencer or Hotch since Rossi's house. Taking a deep breath, you walked over to your desk and sat down across Spencer. You waited for some look or remark.


He stared with a new intensity at the paper sitting in front of him as he moved his pen. When you sat in your chair, you furrowed your brows then cleared your throat in his direction. Eyes still not moving, the only thing he said was, "Everything alright y/n?"

"Uh yeah, fine." You logged into your computer trying to pretend he wasn't ignoring you. What the fuck was wrong with him? It wasn't like you called him.

The next few hours went by too slow. With every word you typed in your computer you hoped Spencer would say something. Even if it was some trivial fact you would forget by tomorrow, anything would be better than the silence. After many yawns, you finally decided to go get a cup of coffee. You turned after standing up to see if Spencer was watching you.


Entering the break room, you grabbed your mug from the cabinet. As you started to pour your coffee you heard the door open. Not looking to see who it was, you lifted the drink to your lips and blew on it. You turned to walk out and nearly jumped when you saw Spencer standing less than a foot in front of you. "Shit Spencer, you startled me!"

He didn't seem to care, "We need to talk."

You rolled your eyes, "Yeah I tried, it didn't seem like you were too interested in that earlier."

He bit the corner of his lip, "You're right, I didn't know what to say after last night. That's actually what I wanted to talk about."

"What about it?"

"It can't happen again. I know I'm the one who initiated it but that was a mistake. We both need to forget about...whatever it was we had."

"Uh yeah that's what I was trying to do. Then you called me."

"Listen y/n, I am sorry. Just promise me we can try to be normal friends again? At least as normal as we can be."

Your gaze didn't move from his eyes. "Okay. I promise that I'll try." With that you left the room and returned to your work.


You never really were the best at keeping promises.

It was Friday, four days after you and Spencer agreed you'd try to be regular friends again.

There had been 3 more phone calls like the first. It was oddly therapeutic. Not only did they end with you satisfied, they were also a way for you two to warm up to each other again. All of them started with talking about your personal lives the way friends would. It also made it easier to see him in person. You were slowly talking more at work even though it wasn't quite as much as before. As for things with Hotch, you had only talked to him a handful of times and it was all work related while in the office.


Only 7 minutes until the weekend and you were determined to make this one better than the last. You strolled over to the printer to grab one last paper. On your way back to your desk Rossi called out to you, it seemed he was on his way out, "See you tonight, y/n!"

Huh? Tonight, what was tonight?

He read your confused expression instantly, "Didn't they tell you?"

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