28-remembrance of things past

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TW-i know this is a criminal minds fanfic so it's a given that there will be some mentions of violence, but at the end of this chapter there are some details of a case that might make people uncomfortable! it's not too graphic but i feel like it's important to mention just in case

After being released from the hospital, Spencer got a week off since his surgery was minor. When he returned though, he wasn't allowed to go into the field until his doctor cleared him. You still had vacation days saved, so you used them to help look after Spencer the way he did with you. The only difference was this time you stayed with him at his place rather than the other way around.

Those seven days were spent almost all the same. You cooked for the two of you, watched tv together, and played board games. Your favorite part though was right before bed. Spencer would pick a book for you to read to him while he fell asleep. Though you both knew he could read much faster by himself in his head, it was comforting for him to hear your voice before drifting off.

Hotch was understanding when you asked for the week off to help Reid. He was polite but didn't say much. It reminded you of when you first started working at the BAU; Aaron was straightforward and didn't converse with you unless it was necessary. You had to remind yourself he wasn't being rude, he was acting the way he always did.


The awkwardness came the day you and Spencer returned to work. Given the way you acted in the hospital and taking the week off, the entire team knew you and him were together. Though they had some theories before that, Emily was still the only one who knew you had been with Hotch too.

The two of you walked into the office together and everyone, especially Garcia and Morgan, teased you. After Spencer was questioned about how he felt, you heard Hotch's voice from outside his office. "Y/l/n, Reid. I need to talk to you for a moment."

 You gave each other a look before heading up to his office together.

"Have a seat and shut the door please." Hotch was, once again, acting unusually normal. He looked between you and Spencer and noticed you toying with your fingers in your lap. "You can relax," he pushed a sheet of paper between you two, "I just need you to fill this out. It's an acknowledgement of your relationship and how you won't let it affect your work."

You let out a breath and glanced up and down the paper Spencer was now holding. While he signed it, you looked out the open blinds to see Emily staring in at you. She raised her eyebrows and you rolled your eyes, bringing your attention back to the paper. You signed it quickly then handed it to Hotch. His fingers brushed against yours and you felt your heartbeat quicken. You hurried to let go of the paper before standing up. You cleared your throat and avoided eye contact with Spencer.

"I-is that all you need?" You felt his eyes piercing through you, but you refused to look at him.

"Yes, that's it."

You hurried towards the door, feeling Spencer's arm wrap around your back as you exited the room. You noticed him glance back at Hotch's office at least twice before you returned to your desk. You sat down, noticing the seats next to you were all empty. Looking around you saw Emily and JJ in the break room and Derek and Penelope talking outside her office. Spencer must have noticed too because standing behind your chair he leaned against your desk, one arm on either side of you.

You felt his breath against your ear and he whispered, "I don't like the way he looks at you." You turned your head to look at him, then followed his eyes up to Hotch's office.


"Woah woah woah, other people still work here lovebirds." Morgan's voice followed by a laugh snapped you out of your conversation. Reid removed his hands from your desk and threw them into his pockets while trying to stand up straight. You tried to smile and pushed your chair in further, hoping to get lost in your work.

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