16-no way out

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"Hey beautiful, how about a private dance?" You had just stepped off stage, but froze as you heard the voice behind you. You didn't have to see his face to know who it was.

You turned to look at him and gave a suggestive smile while grabbing the unsub's hand. You led him into a private booth where you closed the curtain. Hotch and Morgan would be waiting right outside of it until he made his move. You were wearing a small earpiece under your hair so they would be able to hear everything going on.

You slid into the booth so that you were sitting next to the man and he put his arm around your shoulder. You tried not to flinch as he touched you and placed your hand on his knee. "What's your name" He asked as he ran his hand up and down your thigh.

You leaned into his ear when you spoke, "Whatever you want it to be." Fuck, did people actually say these things or was that just in movies? You regretted it, suddenly afraid he would be able to see through your entire act.

Fortunately, all he did was laugh for a second. "How about that dance now?" He had a firm grip on your waist as he pulled you into his lap. This had to be it, you thought. If the victims had been sitting on his lap, facing away from him they wouldn't see him grab the syringe from his pocket. You hoped Hotch and Derek would pick up on the silence and interfere, there was nothing else you could do now. You took note that as you sat there on top of him only one hand was gripping your side, the other rested on the bench next to the two of you. You realized you couldn't wait forever, you placed one hand over his which was on your stomach. His other hand was in his pocket now. You knew he would try to sedate you any second and it seemed nobody could tell you were in danger. You did the only thing you could think of, you started giving him exactly what he asked for.

You placed your free hand on his arm that was reached into his pocket and felt his muscles tighten. Hopefully since both your hands were on his arms he wouldn't suspect anything. You held a firm grip on his arms while you roughly pushed your body against his. After probably 30 seconds of you giving your best attempt at a lapdance he let out a growl. Now was your time, "Do you want to come for me?" You said slightly above a whisper, putting emphasis on those last three words. You cringed at the thought of multiple coworkers hearing that sentence exit your mouth, but it didn't matter. If it was going to save your life it was worth it.

In a matter of seconds the curtains were thrown open to reveal Hotch and Morgan, guns raised and aimed right next to you. The sudden movement must have startled you, loosening your grip on his arms because now you felt a cool sharp object pressed against your throat. "FBI, put your hands up and let go of her," Hotch said as the curtain was still falling open. When he saw the unsub with a knife pressed against your throat, you caught a glimpse of fear in his eyes. "Drop it, now." You never understood how he could stay composed in situations like these. The angle the knife was at forced you to keep your head tilted back, barely allowing you to see the rest of the team enter and stand in front of the booth, their guns also raised.

The unsub only laughed in response to Hotch's request, "It's not gonna be that easy now." He dragged the knife to lower on your neck, allowing his other hand to grab your cheeks and yank your head down to be facing everyone. You felt tears start to fall down your face. Of course you were afraid of dying, but that's not why you were crying. You could see everyone's faces now. Derek's, Emily's, JJ's, Rossi's, Aaron's, and Spencer's. Hotch was standing in front so you knew he couldn't look concerned. But Spencer was towards the back and you could see the panic and terror on his face. You cried because you told him you would be safe. You couldn't stand the thought of him having to watch someone he loved die again. You cried at the thought of never getting to see Jack again or go to dinner at Rossi's. Never getting to work another case or make jokes on the jet home with Emily or go to some bar with Penelope. Snap out of it. You were going to have to be as strong as you could. "I will not say it again. Put the weapon down."

You felt the unsub quickly increase the pressure against your neck and then it was gone completely. You felt a warm fluid on your cheek and he fell to the side as the sound of a gunshot rang through the air.


As soon as you stepped out of the booth, Spencer ran to you holding his jacket for you to put on. In all the chaos you had almost forgotten you were almost completely naked. The second your arms were through the sleeves he pulled you into a tight hug and you heard a small sniff from him. You spoke quietly so only he could hear, "It's okay, I'm okay." He eventually pulled away and you were immediately wrapped in JJ and Emily's arms.

Derek walked over and gave you a kiss on the forehead, "Y/n, I'm so sorry I promis-".

You shook your head, "This wasn't your fault, Derek." He walked away and Rossi patted your shoulder.

You were still in between JJ and Emily when Hotch came over, "There's an ambulance outside, they'll need to take a look at you to make sure you're alright." You only nodded in response.


You sat in the back of the ambulance parked outside the club as the paramedics looked at the cut on your neck and checked for other injuries. That's when Hotch walked over. He didn't say anything so you stared at him in silence. You thought you were going to die earlier so all had been forgiven. When you didn't die you remembered how he conveniently forgot to tell you about the dance.

"Is there something you'd like to say?" You got tired of waiting for him to talk.

Hotch looked taken aback, "I was just checking on you." He paused and sounded confused, "Did I do something to make you angry?"

"Uh it's more like what you didn't do. The manager said she told you about doing the dance, you didn't think that detail might be a little fucking important to tell me?"


"Oh? That's it?"

He sighed. "I should have told you. I knew you'd get nervous and I didn't want you to have to worry about anything else. And I hoped if you found out I knew you would be mad which would get rid of some of the nerves. I still should have told you. I'm sorry."

You were still annoyed but it made more sense now. You looked at your feet and mumbled, "It's fine."

He stepped closer until he was less than a foot away, then set his hand on your shoulder. "I was so worried earlier. I wanted to do more but I felt powerless. I don't know what I'd do without you." His thumb traced circles over your jacket and you wanted nothing more than to get up and hug him. But you knew you couldn't. When Spencer, and everyone else, hugged you earlier it was completely normal because you were friends and they were worried. But nobody knew how close you and Hotch were, they would know something was going on if you hugged him.

He opened his mouth again but you already knew what he was going to say. "Don't blame yourself for this, Aaron. You did everything you could."

You could tell he wanted to protest but one of the paramedics interrupted your conversation to let him know you were good to go. "Let's get you back to the hotel, you should get some sleep before we leave tomorrow." You hopped out of the ambulance and headed over to the cars where the rest of the team waited for you.


guys i kinda hate this chapter sorry if it's boring😃i'm very excited for tomorrow's though hehe

also thank u for 13k views omg🥺

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