17-what happens at home...

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When the team had gotten back from the case you insisted you were fine and didn't need any time off. Hotch wouldn't allow that though, so you eventually agreed to take one week off. Ever since you left the club that night, Spencer had been at your side. Sitting next to you on the plane, offering you rides anywhere you needed to go, and coming over almost every day of your week off. He told you he had plenty of sick days saved and that he'd use some of them to come over and spend time with you. Your heart melted at the thought of someone doing that for you, but told him he really didn't have to. Predictably, he didn't listen and still showed up at your door five of the seven days.

Everybody else dropped by at least once too to bring you food or just check in. Except for Hotch. He called you once to ask how you felt but the conversation lasted less than a minute. You didn't know what happened, but for some reason he was distancing himself from you.

You told everyone you were fine because in the day, you were. When you went to sleep though, you were having nightmares. All you could see was that man's face and it was like you could still feel his knife pressed against your skin.

Every time Spencer came over he spent the night. You hadn't exactly planned on it, but you watched movies and tv shows on the couch and at some point you always drifted off. The first night you woke up from one of your nightmares in the dead of night. It took you a second to realize you were in your living room instead of the bedroom and your head was resting against Spencer's chest. It was easier to fall back asleep knowing you weren't alone.

The next night you fell asleep on the couch again, but when your eyes opened you were in your bed. You walked out of your bedroom to see Spencer sound asleep on the couch. When he woke up you asked why he didn't sleep in your bed with you. His response was, "I didn't want to wake you, but it didn't feel right if I didn't ask." You smiled at that. You weren't sure if a guy had ever asked if it was okay to sleep in your bed before. The mornings that followed, you woke up with his arms around you in your bed.


It was the end of your second day back now, and you sat in the round table room with the lights dimmed. The whole team filled the room as Garcia reached across you to light the candles.

Penelope counted it down, "3, 2 ,1...Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" They sang, a few throwing in "Cha cha cha!" at the end. You smiled while you blew out the candles, thinking of what to wish for.

The room was empty and you were grabbing your bag when you heard Aaron's voice, "So I'll see you later then?"

You turned around and nodded, "Yeah around 7" before heading out. Even after two days of work, he still wasn't acting like himself. You invited him over for dinner, hoping you could figure out what was going on. You knew since it was your birthday he couldn't say no.


You had just slipped into your tight black dress that landed mid-thigh when you heard a knock. You pulled the door open to see Aaron standing there in dark jeans and a black polo, holding a bag of food. You stood staring at him for a second, black looked good on him.

You were broken out of your trance by him trying to hold back a laugh, "Uh can I come in?"

"Oh! Right, yeah, come in." You smiled at him as he walked over to your dining table. The room was dim, the only light coming from candles set around the room. You both sat down and he handed you the box with your meal in it. Since it was your birthday you hadn't wanted to cook, so you had him pick up Italian on his way over.

You were almost done eating when you finally decided to bring up what was bothering you. He had been talking to you more now that you were alone together, but it still wasn't back to normal. "Aaron...what's going on with you? Ever since that night you haven't been yourself."

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