30-the thirteenth step

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The hotel room door shut and you immediately felt sorry about not staying. You leaned your back against the wall and took a deep breath. You would just work it out in the morning after both of you cooled off.

You turned to go to Emily's room when a different door opened. Hotch stepped out of his room. "Y/n, is everything alright? I heard yelling."

"Oh it's fine um...well actually..." You contemplated telling him about what happened, he did used to be your friend after all. Then another thought crossed your mind- if you were on a break would sleeping in the same room as Hotch count as anything? You wouldn't do anything, just ask him if you could sleep on the couch.

No, you weren't like that. No matter how angry Spencer made you, you wouldn't do that to him.  "I'm just gonna spend the night in Emily's room, I'll see you tomorrow."

He could tell something was off but decided not to question you. "Right, sleep well."

"You too" you smiled at him before continuing down the hallway.


You woke up in Emily's bed alone to the sound of her opening in the door. "Morning," she placed a cup of coffee on the bedside table next to you, "Hotch wants us at the police station in 30."

You took a sip and nodded before getting up to go to the bathroom. Before shutting the door, you stood in the doorway. "Hey, Em?"


"Did you see Spencer at all this morning?"

She sat down at the edge of the bed, "I did actually, when I was downstairs getting coffee I saw him leaving with his suitcase. He wanted me to tell you there was an emergency with his mom and he's going to Nevada to see her. He gave me the key to your room so that you can sleep in there since he's gone."

"Oh, uh, okay. Thanks." You stood still, biting on the corner of your mouth and you could feel her eyes still on you. "I just wish he would've come and told me, you know? Not to mention I wanted to talk about what happened last night. I guess that'll have to wait until we're home."

"I'm sorry y/n, I know how much he loves you and you love him. I'm sure It'll work out."

"Yeah, yeah you're right."


Four days had passed since you woke up in Emily's room and there was practically no contact between you and Spencer. Except for when you texted him asking how things were going and his exact response was, "Working on it."

After you left the room that night he must have gotten more angry because he never acted this way towards you. You thought he might call after he left to explain, but there was nothing. When he said a break you thought a break from being near each other, but maybe he meant more. 

The team had been working overtime to find the unsub and it felt like you were so close. It was 9:00pm at the police department and you were sitting in a conference room alone when you decided your mind needed a small break. You got out your phone and decided you would call him. Regardless of how irritated he was, you were going to work it out eventually.

You tapped your foot as the phone rang and rang. The first time there was no answer. You thought of giving it a rest, but you really wanted to talk to him. No matter how mad he was, Spencer never ignored your calls.

You dialed his number again and this time there was a response on the second ring.

"Hellooo? This is Dr.Reid's phone." The woman's voice was slurred and it sounded strangely familiar.

"Who is this?"

"This is Austin, who is this?"

The bartender Spencer took the gala? You tried to compose yourself and think of why he would be with her. "This is y/n. Can I speak to Spencer please?"

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