Episode 9

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Ding! Level up!

Thank god I thought the system broke!

Lv: 5

HP: 51

Aura: 150

Strength: 36

Dexterity: 33

Constitution: 22

Intelligence: 24

Wisdom: 25

Charisma: 38

Skills gained!

Eldritch Cannon (dnd) (this is different to Eldritch blast as it makes any object into a weapon as long as it can physically fire things, examples include a hollowed out stick can be a flamethrower!)

Swords Dance (Persona)

Savage Blow (Fire Emblem)

Tusk (Jojo's)

Spin (Jojo's)

Hermit Purple (Jojo's)

Moody Blues (Jojo's)

Auto rakukaja (Persona)

Auto tarukaja (Persona)

Auto sukukaja (Persona)

Dimentio World Hopping (Super Paper Mario)

And you have a new helper/personality/soul which is, drumroll please!

Snatcher! (Hat in time)

Snatcher: "Hey kid I guess I'll live in you now."

Me: "Ok then, also no getting my friends to sign your contracts."

Snatcher: "Ok, thats disappointing."

You can make snatcher take over your body, his aura will replace your's and you gain an appearance similar to his, when he is out he can use your powers but you can also use his when your out.

Me: "Ok then, I will let you have fun in the tournament."

Snatcher: "Wait tournament?"

And it seems the system updated and shows which series the abilities come from! And now Snatcher lives in me!

It has been a few weeks since me and Ruby started dating in fact it's the last day of the holidays.

Me: 'I need Tukson to give me i-'


Me: 'Well speak of the devil!'

Text: "Hey it's me Tukson I've just sent you the info as you can tell and I'm ready to destroy the scroll but here's the info: The dust robberies are being lead by torchwhick but he isn't leading the fang from what I've heard a new girl is leading it I only know her initials but they are C and F she seems to be working for someone as well. I don't know there goals but they seem to be succeeding. You should probably be careful of her. I've also heard she has a weird power that manipulates elements. That's all I could get, sorry if you need more."

Me (text): "Thats all the info I need destroy the scroll now."

I then get up and go to Ozpin.

Me: "Hey Oz."

Ozpin: "Hmm? Oh Y/N what's wrong?"

Me: "I have a lead on the one who stole the maiden's powers."

Remnants New Game + (Ruby Rose x Male gamer reader rwby)Where stories live. Discover now