Episode 10

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Me: "Zack you wanna come with me for some training like the old days?"

Zack: "Yeah why not!"

-Meanwhile in the emerald forest-

???: "Kira are you sure Y/N and Zack will be at beacon?"

Kira?: "He definitely is Mitch, that is what the two brothers told us isn't it?"

Mitch?: "Yeah, I just hope the two are ok."

Kira?: "Like I said they can handle themselves."

Mitch?: "You're right."

-Meanwhile with Y/N and Zack-

Snatcher: "Hey kiddo?"

Me: 'Yes Snatcher?'

Snatcher: "I sense two life forms in here."

Me: 'You can do that?'

Snatcher: "Yes... apparently."

Me: 'That's useful.' "Hey Zack?"

Zack: "Yes?"

Me: "Be careful Snatcher's sensing something."

Zack: "Ok then Boss."

Boss: "You called?"

Me: "That's my nickname Boss."

Boss: "Oh yeah I did base you off me somewhat with your whole family and which games, anime and books/manga you like."

Zack: "That was the 'Author' again wasn't it."

Me: "Yep."

As we were fighting Grimm I heard some people fighting.

???: "Nice one Kira!"

Me: "Was that the name I thought I heard? That voice as well..."

Zack: "What did you hear?"

Me: "I think I found my brother and my best friend."

Zack: "What are you waiting for?"

Play ???'s theme:

We start running towards the voices and I see the two people I was hoping to find the most right now. Akira or as me and the rest of his friends call him Kira and my brother Mitch.

As we watch the fight I see that Kira is a Wolfskin and he runs up to the Beowulf and punches it with what seems to be his weapons, wait why is Mitchell unarmed? I stop thinking about that when I see Kira in his beast form grab the Beowulf head and slam it into the ground with so much force a shockwave is made sending the other five into the air, he then seems to rush at it at the same speed as Star Platinum punches, he then proceeds to Ora the whole group into oblivion.

Stop playing Kira's theme

Play Mitch's theme:

I turn around and see my brother still unarmed he then makes about ten spears of aura, that's why he's unarmed then makes sense, he then launches two at each Beowulf then runs at each of them as he taps all of them, what are you planning brother? He then seems to press an invisible detonator and then I hear a loud explosion and see all of them blow up.

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