Episode 17

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Boss: "Wattpad kept crashing when I wrote so I ended up having a shortened episode, sorry that my internet's so crap, I blame Telstra."

Me: 'Sure...'

Boss: "ANYWAY! With that out of the way let's start the episode!"

Me: 'Decisions, decisions... CFVY's match or planning a date with Ruby? Date with Ruby sounds better! What was the plan Sojiro told Akira? Actually I should take her to a nice coffee shop!'

And so Y/N spent the entirety of the time planning a date with Ruby, to his favourite coffee shop, which is a lot like Leblanc.

Me: 'Welp time to message Rosie!'

Me: (Text): "Yo Rosie!"

Ruby (text): "Hey Y/N!"

Me (text): "Wanna go on a date?"

Ruby (text): "Sure!"

Me (text): "I'll meet you at your room when I'm ready!"

Ruby (text): "Cya then!"

Me (text): "Yep!"

After a few minutes I got into some casual clothes:


I met up with Ruby and she's breath taking, as usual!

We started walking to the coffee shop and sat down, I ordered a (Favourite) coffee and Ruby ordered...


Well I can't complain, cause I have a Ruby addiction, by that I mean just looking at her makes me happy, huh, I may have a problem.

We had an overall good time.

When we returned I did the usual, continued my plan. The plan was quite simple. I fake death, go to the world of persona 5 royal after they beat the final boss, I take them with me to come to Remnant, sneak into Salem's palace, place some nanokumas into the building (if you haven't played or seen Danganronpa v3 they are tiny, little monokumas holding cameras, they are so small that nothing can see them.) then hopefully if my theory is correct, find Summer and return to Ruby's house before volume four, the risk is, making Cinder think I'm dead, to do that I need to have a nano second perfect reaction to catch the arrow befor it reaches my heart using crazy diamond, I either need insane luck or extreme reactions, otherwise it's all in vain, and I only have five uses of the timepiece generator, after the first it'll break my bones beyond full repair, not even crazy diamond or golden experience would be able to fix it.

For now I need to sleep.


Okay readers, I should mention why this isn't in thoughts well that's cause, why would I think towards you? I'm directly talking to you. Anyways, right now the episode for fall should have just started, I need to prepare, this could be the end for me.

Me: "Guys, Yang's match with Mercury is today."

Yes I skipped our match because well, let's just say...


Oobleck: "Now we have the match between, Y/N L/N and Mitchell L/N and Jimmy Jones and Timmy Thomson and begin! Wait what? They one already? Okay then..."

Flashback end

Yeah, they didn't even last for a second...

Me: "Zack, Mitch, Kira, if I don't make it, then the author, Boss will hopefully step in, I don't know how, but this is probably our only chance. This is our biggest gamble yet, be prepared."


Me: "I'm glad you guys are my friends..."

Timeskip to Yang's match.

You guys know what happened so I ended up removing this and again Telstra ended up screwing things up for me when I was writing this so...

Me: "Guys, our plan is in action, first, save Penny, all I need to do is get to the arena once the fall starts, but first I need to get to Mercury and Ruby when they fight and use Crazy Diamond to fix her scroll, then I can fix Penny."

Zack: "I'm worried about you, but we have only one choice."

Me: "And Kira when Blake leaves and Yang and Ruby are at their homes tell them where Blake and Zack went."

Kira: "Yeah."

Me: "And you Mitch."

Mitch: "Yes?"

Me: "You have the most important task."

Mitch: "That is?"

Me: "Protect Ruby in my stead, please."

Mitch: "Yeah I will little bro."

Me: "It's time for our plan to commence."

The first thing I did was I ran to the back area and readied myself to fight Mercury, he just broke Ruby's scroll.

Me: "Ruby!"

She was about to be hit when I used crazy diamond to block Mercury from hitting her.

Aura: 160

Damn, ten aura down from that. I grab Ruby's scroll and use CD to fix it.

Aura: 155

That costs aura? Why did you need to update this!

Boss: "Too over powered man."

Me: 'True...'

I chuck it to Ruby.

Me: "Ruby run!"

She runs out if the back area and I quickly punch Mercury's legs breaking them. I run out to fix Penny, the fall begins...

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