Episode 13

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It's the day of the dance, but I can't dance! Hopefully either Ruby can teach me which I doubt she says in the show she doesn't like dancing or we both agree to talk while drinking punch. The second one seems more hopeful! I might see what upgrades I can get.

Me: 'Upgrades.'

Evasive foot work (100 lien) (DnD)

Light (100 lien) (DnD)

Hammon (Caesar) (200 lien) (Jojo's)

Mera Mera no mi (500 lien) (One piece)

Armament Haki (500 lien) (One piece)

Sticky Fingers (200 lien) (Jojo's)

Diarahan (1000 lien) (Persona)

Samerecarm (2000 lien) (Persona)

Aether (150 lien) (Fire emblem)

Poison Strike (150 lien) (Fire emblem)

Charge (300 lien) (Persona)

Concentrate (300 lien) (Persona)

Total lien: 10 000

Me: 'Buy all?'

You bought everything you rich piece of dump! You still have 4 500 lien remaining! Why are you so rich?

Me: 'Cause I'm got a job and Oz gives me a weekly pay check?'

Next update I'm changing the currency to Grimm kills wait you have like what 100 per day? It's been half a year! So you have 18 200 credits if I do that! You know what I give up! You'll get skills by sp or something I'll come up with something!

Me: 'I'll find a way to cheese it either way.'

Go to hell!

Me: 'Love you to!'

Timeskip by Chibi Y/N getting ready for the dance in a nice tux.


I walk into the ball room and I'm greeted by Yang.

Me: "Did I make it?"

Yang: "Yup! If you wanna find Ruby she's at the punch."

Me: "Thanks!"

I go to the back and see my stunning girlfriend.

Me: "Hey Rubes!"

Ruby: "Hey Y/N!"

We share a small hug and then we have some punch.

Me: "Hey Rubes?"

Ruby: "Yeah?"

Me: "Imma spike the left bowl with laxatives for Ms. Goodwitch."

Ruby: "Oh no... she'll kill you!"

Me: "Yep but it might get the stick out of her ass!"

Ruby: "SWEAR JAR!"

I put in some lien.

Me: "You're lucky your cute and my girlfriend."

I then see Jaune walk over.

Me: "Don't drink the left one Nora put laxatives in it."

Jaune: "Sounds like Nora."

The three of us chat for a bit and then I remember, the infiltration was tonight, she's probably already in.

Remnants New Game + (Ruby Rose x Male gamer reader rwby)Where stories live. Discover now