Stolen (Mark and Ethan)

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"Stop thief!" The guards yelled. Ethan ignored their cries and ran as fast as he could, the fresh loaf of bread he had stolen tucked under his arm.

Ethan wasn't exactly rich, in fact he was extremely poor, and he was just trying to survive a life within the kingdom. The previous king had passed away from old age, the new one rising up as a cruel and selfish ruler. He had raised the taxes and punished those who disobeyed the law with various kinds of torture. Anyone who was caught never left the kingdom's prison alive, and right now Ethan has stumbled into a predicament that could possibly get him killed.

"Get back here!" The guards yelled. Ethan glanced over his shoulder to see the guards plowing through the crowd and gaining on him. He gasped and turned forward, muttering apologies under his breath as he made his way through the crowd. How am I going to escape? Ethan whipped his head back and forth to try and find an escape route, but there was none to be seen. Except for one.

The forest.

The forest had been known for its wild beasts and terrifying creatures. No human dared to set foot in there, and those who did either never returned or came back scarred for life, both mentally and physically. The stories the survivors told were absolutely ridiculous and the town didn't believe them, but Ethan often wondered if they were actually true. But right now he had bigger problems to worry about.

Ethan squeezed out from the crowd and came to the path that led to the forest at the very edge of town. He stood there gasping for breath and deciding on wether he should take the chance or find another escape route. A quick glance over his shoulder decided for him and sent him running with the guards right on his tail. His feet throbbed through the thin leather soles but he kept pushing forward, the forest getting larger and larger every second.

Ethan stumbled his way into the brush and continued running, unsure if the guards would follow.

"Forward men!" One of them yelled. "We must catch the thief!"

The sounds of clashing armour sent adrenaline rushing through Ethan's veins as the guard pushed their way through the bushes. The path had fully disappeared and left nothing but trees and bushes to climb over, as well as twigs and fallen trunks scattered all over the ground.

"Hey! Stop!" One of the guards yelled. Ethan ignored him and continued running, checking over his shoulder once more until he suddenly ran into a firm wall.

He stumbled and fell onto his back, knocking the air out of his lungs. Ethan laid limp for a few moments then sat up and was about to continue running when he noticed something strange in front of him. He assumed that he had blindly ran into a tree, but instead there was a large wall of fabric sitting in front of him, something like a massive shoulder. Ethan let his eyes travel up and down the object, his expression becoming paler by the second. His eyes scanned a giant pair of legs stretched out beyond a large torso, which the shoulder was connected to and following that was a neck, then a head. A giant face slumbered peacefully in front of Ethan as he gulped. What laid in front of him, was a giant.

"There he is!" Ethan scrambled to his feet and spun around to see the four guards standing right in front of him. They stepped out from the bushes as Ethan took a few steps back, until he hit a wall of flesh and bone. The giant.

Suddenly the wall moved.

A low grumble vibrated through the giant as it yawned and sat up, rubbing its eyes. It blinked sleepily, then turned its head and landed its gaze on Ethan who was stunned. The giant tilted his head and looked onward, his eyes landing on the group of guards who had now noticed the giant and were frozen with fear. His eyes travelled back and forth between Ethan and the guards, slowly connecting the pieces together.

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