The Uninvited Visitor

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"When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited."


It's midday at the Layton's houses, Eli has gone out to have a bite with Luke and Calum. Eve, Blair and Raven are outside cleaning out the pool and covering it for winter that lurks around the corner, when a sound comes crashing loudly from the front of the house.

The girls all run around to see what had happens as they see a dark-haired man turning away from the house with a baseball bat in his hand, standing next to Eve's now knocked over mailbox that has dents across the top.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Eve heads toward the man with her hands thrown in the air.

"Eve stop, get back." Raven runs after her turning her toward the front of the house and shoving her toward the door. "Come on Blair!"

"What's wrong honey? Did I scare you?" The man screams as the front door is closing.

"Who the hell is that?" Eve looks at Raven and Blair.

"It's Leo. My ex." Raven begins to bite her freshly painted nails.

"Why is he here?"

"I don't know."

"He's a sorry son of a bitch. How did he find us here?" Blair adds.

"I didn't think he would ever find me here."

From outside, the sound of shattering glass travels into the house. Eve runs over and looks out the window.

"He busted your windshield out, Blair."

"Oh, hell no!" Blair heads toward the door.

Raven grabs her wrist and pulls her back down on the floor. "Stop, he's dangerous." The sounds of demolition are all around the outside of the house now, he is beating on the porch and the side of the house.

"I don't give a fuck, let's go fuck his world up!" Blair is furious.

"Blair, I can't, I'm pregnant!!"

Eve and Blair both stops in their tracks.

"Really? I'm gonna be an auntie?" Eve says like an all too happy fat kid in a candy store.

"Yes, I have a doctor appointment coming up soon. I'm not putting me and this baby at risk for this moron. Call the police."

"Police? Fuck. Just call Eli. He will definitely fuck his world up." Blair laughs.

Raven pulls out her phone and calls Eli, but he doesn't answer.

The glass on the front door shatters and everyone screams.

"Where the hell are you, princess. I'm not leaving without you." Leo says through the broken glass, "You looked amazing at the party last night. Mario loves zombies." He laughs and reaches through the window, feeling for the door handle. "It's a good thing I put that tracking device in your cell phone huh? I never would've found you sweetheart. Now you can come home and be with me like you're supposed to be."

Blair runs over to the door and picks up a shard of broken glass from the ground and slices it down his forearm, and blood begins flowing down onto the floor as he pulls his arm back out.

"Mario? I don't remember seeing a Mario here last night." Raven whispers.

"Mario? Oh my god, Carlos! A woman asked me last night if I had seen her fiancé, she said his name was Carlos though, but she said he was dressed as Mario. I never did see him, but DeeDee mentioned him, she said he was asking all kinds of questions about you and Eli." Eve says as she becomes panicked.

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