Through The Wind And Rain

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"If you want happiness for an hour - take a nap. If you want happiness for a day - go fishing. If you want happiness for a year - inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a life time - help someone else."

-Chinese Proverb

It is around 1:30 in the afternoon when Evelyn, with all her cunning tricks, improvisational insanity, and lastly - her bed head, came knocking through the house. She looks like a train wreck, wild hair pinned to the side of her head, her eyes are tired, and half caring. But Eve is still Eve, and Eve has an idea. "Someone around here is getting a tattoo today," she stomps around in the living room. Wherever laid a body, whether that be on the sofa, the floor under the television, or upstairs in the sanctuary of their bedroom, they got kicked on the legs by Eve, and a bottle of water tossed on their face. Her second victim is Blair, who is curled up on the floor. She pops the cap on a water bottle, bends over, and leans it close to her mouth which is slightly agape. She squeezes and Blair's eyes flung open, red, and panicking.

"Seriously," Blair girdles with her arms flailing on the floor. She is naked underneath her blanket, she raises up into a sitting position, still down, her short hair, stiff, and slightly dripping with water. "Goddamn" she jumps up, forgetting her blanket. Her breast bounce for a moment, as she stands in front of Eve. A drop of water flows from her neck, down the middle of her stomach, and glides to a halt. Eve, crying from laughter, pauses from her mid-giggle as Calum comes up off the floor.

"What happened last night? Where is Ocean?" The man is panicking. No one says anything. Blair just cracks up at him, looking down to his penis, and then back up to his scruffy beard. "Guys?"

"I told Blair she could have you." Ocean walks through the door from the back of the house. She has a towel in one hand, from being blasted by Evelyn. "It was an even swap."

"A fucking swap? What are you-"

"I saw the way you were looking at her last night so we swapped. I gave you to her, and in return I got rid of a piece of shit," Ocean stares blankly at Calum. "Fair trade, wouldn't you think."

"I'm not property," He objects to the notion.

Blair smacks him on top of the head, "Hush, peasant."

Calum cuffs his nuts and takes off upstairs looking red as a pepper where he immediately jumps in the shower.

"Anyway, what was you saying about tats?" Ocean asks Eve. "I already have two. I don't want any more right now, crazy girl. Healing is time I don't have." Ocean raises her shirt up just above her belly button, and tattooed in black and white ink is the caduceus with the serpents twined all way up her ribs about six inches long. She showed her wrist where a red heartbeat runs horizontal across her veins. "Anything medical."

"You don't have any though." Eve lunges out and flicks Blair on the nipple, leaving a red mark.

"I'm this close to drowning you in the sink, I swear to god." Blair starts searching for her clothes. She found a sock, almost immediately, tucked half way under the sofa - pants in the corner - panties between the cushions of the sofa - shoes by the door - and as for her will to live, it's questionable.

"I'd love to go with you guys but I have to study. I have a bio chem test coming up and I really have to nail this one," Ocean shakes her keys. "I love you guys; I'll call you later. If you do get a tat, send me some pictures. Nothing wild, hear me?"

"I'm just going to pick one when I walk in."

"We need to get the heathens up." Evelyn says. "I will drown my brother. He hates pranks more than he hates Hitler. Help me?"

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