The Dream

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The doctor came in and told Maryam's parents that maryam would need surgery. They would have to somehow fix the fracture in her skull.

Maryam's family left the room and waited in the waiting room. They were al lost in their own thoughts.


The next morning Nazia went to the hospital. She knew it was hte right thing to do. She continuosly remebered the day Maryam came to hte Nurse's office to check on her. Before she left she bought a box of chocolates. I t was the least she could do.

"Um hi," Nazia said as she entered the hospital room. It was a gloomy Saaturday morning. Everyone looked torn apart.

"Hey Assalamualikum," Ayesha said, smiling.

"Walaikum assalam," Nazia said, proud that she remembered how to say it. "Is Maryam okay?"

"She went through a big surgery last night, she's sleeping right now," said Ayesha.

"And who is this?" Maryam's mother asked.

"This is Nazia, she's a friend of Maryam," Ayesha said,.

"What is it with you two these days?! Why dont you guys tell me about your friends or about what goes on in school?! Maryam's mother said, angrily.

"Ayesha didnt say anything. She didnt know what to say.

After a while, Maryam woke up.

"SURPRISE!" Nazia yelled. She held out the box of chocolates.

"Thank you," Maryam said in a sleepy voice while smiling.

Nazia's POV

I was thankful Maryam was alive. I wanted to say sorry but it just didnt come out of her mouth. For some reason, the word, "sorry" couldnt escape my lips. i had never showed humbleness or apologized to anyone. It was always done her way and if anyone needed to say sorry it would have to be the other person, not me

But i needed to say "sorry". i was thankful that i had the opportunity to see Maryam alive. Now all i had to do was say the special word, "sorry". i spelled it out in my head, S-O-R-R-Y.

It couldnt be that hard. I gathered all my courage and started to say it, "Maryam, i have somehting to tell you," i said.

"Yes?" Maryam said. Her left eye was purple and swollen. it looked horrifying.

"Um, i wanted to say that im s-s-s-s... im s-s-sor-ry. im sorry," That was the hardest thing i have ever said in my life.

"Its okay," Maryam smiled.

Whoo, there it was over. But i still feel guilty. Part of me wants to say more.

"Im sorry for umm, for umm," i started. I didnt know how to put my feelings in words.

"It'ss okay, i understand," Maryam started to cough.

i smiled. i was extremely tired, i woke up at 7 AM on a saturday morning!

I checked my phone. It was 9 AM. "Well im gonna go home, i need some rest, i woke up really early," i chuckled.

"Thanks for visiting," Maryam said in a small voice. Her voice was so low, and soft. I dont think she was able to raise it any higher.

"No problem, feel better!" Nazia said smiling at her.

I got on the bus and went home. As soon as i got to my room, i took off my shoes, jumped on the bed, and fell asleep.

Oh no, what's going on. Why is there no space. Why is the room getting smaller?! I couldnt move, there was no space. i felt the room shrinking. i felt my bones breaking.OWWW, all i felt was pain,




All of a sudden i felt heat... very intense heat. i started to cry. I've never been exposed to any heat greater than this.
I then saw Maryam, a few feet away from me. I saw her jumping up and down in joy. She was happy... extremely happy. Her face was shining... glowing.

"Nazia! Nazia! i heard a voice.

Just then i fell on the floor.

"Nazia what happened?! Are you okay?! You were screaming like crazy! What happened?" my mom asked me, ske looked extremely worried. "Why are you sweating?!"

I started to cry. But i was grateful that it was a dream. That was the worst dream ever.

"why are you crying?! sweety tell me," my mom said, her eyes widening with fear.

"I had a dream, a really bad one!" i cried.

I told my mom the whole story. She told me to forget about it. SHe said it was just a little nightmare. But deep inside i knew it was not "just a little nightmare" and i can tell that she knew it too.


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