Into a Million Pieces

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YAAAASSS 100 ON MY MATH TESTTTTT" shouted Crystal.

"Calm down," Nazia rolled her eyes. "Have you never seen a 100 before in your life?"

"Actually i havent," said Cristal.

Nazia burst into laughter making Crystal turn red."Well i worked really hard, and i think i have the right to be excited," Crystal said, innocently.
Nazia ignored her and walked away. Typical act of Nazia.

Ringg ringgggggg, the bell went.Everyone packed their stuff and went to their next class like little bees scattering and flying to the hive.

As Nazia packed her things in her bookpack, she saw a pink letter in her binder.she teared it open
and it wrote, "Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you!"
Sincerely, Bruce James
Bruce was one of ther ugliest, fattest boys in the class. He weighed 200 pounds, was 4'9' and was on Nazia's "EEWWWW LIST"
"Nooonononononnonooooooo, this is not happening!" Nazia yelled storming past everyone.
"Ooohh someones getting feistyyy," cooed Stan.


At math class, Nazia shot a death glare at Bruce.

"Okay class, our next assignement will be done in groups," announced Mrs. Warner. "Ann, Sheila, Andrew, and Tom are one group. The next group is Alyssa, Crystal, Nazia, and Bruce...."

Perfect, time to show him who's the boss, thought Nazia.

Everyone got into their groups.

"umm excuse me?" Nazia said to Bruce. "Who exactly do you think you are?! putting some letter in MY backpack, writing a love letter to ME, and, and, and..."

"did you like it?" asked Bruce, smiling like a 2 year old toddler who had just been given a toy.

"Does it look like i liked it????????" Nazia took the letter and ripped it into pieces along with bruce's heart.

"And i dont care if your little heart broke," said Nazia, reading Bruce's mind.

Bruce held back his tears. But he couldnt handle it. He burst into a waterfall of tears.

"Nazia!! look what you've done!" said Crystal.

"Whatever, i dont care, he should find someone else, maybe someone with his height and weight," said Nazia.

"What is going on here?!" asked Mrs. Warner.

"Nazia made Bruce cry," Stan started laughing. Stan was tall with blue eyes and black hair. he was just like Nazia, in fact he was her best friend and mentor.

"Both of you, go to the deen's office, right now!" said Mrs. Warner.

And there goes another high school day for Nazia.

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