A New Friendship

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"Hi Nazia," said Maryam.

"Oh hey," said Nazia.

"I love your outfit!" cried Maryam.

Nazia's POV

Oh no this is nott good. She  sees me wearing a scarf around my neck, baggy pants, and a loose sweater. Uh oh.  She doesnt think im listening to her? Does she?

"Oh yah, i wanted to try something new," Nazia mumbled.

"We are wearing matching scarves! They're both Pink!" cried Maryam.

Oh no, what have i done to myself? My fame, my popularity, Me! Whats gonna happen? Oh no

"Yah thats cool," Nazia said trying to sound uninterested.

"I like the way you do your makeup! Your wing is perf!And your lips look so full!" Maryam said, meaning every word she said.

"Gee thanks," Nazia rolled her eyes. Can Maryam stop talking and leave me alone? i mean i feel guilty for what she did the other day, after i have treated her so harshly. But still! And what if ppl think Maryam and i are friends?? Oh no! thats no good.

I pretended to be busy on my phone.

"Oh thats a really nice phone you have!" said Maryam. "Thats an IPhone6? Oh i wish i could have an IPhone!"

Ok she's getting on my last nerve.

"Well you should save up and buy one," said Nazia.

"Yah I should!" Maryam giggled.

Okay this girl smiles, giggles, laughs toooo much. Way too perky like seriously. Its Thursday morning. What on earth did you have for breakfast? 

"Okay class! Good morning!" said Mr. David. "Today we will learned about the Quadratic Formulas."

"Oh how exciting," whispered Maryam.

Oh shut up, i thought.

"You will work with your partner to complete the work on page 97. One textbook for each pair. Everyone clear?!" asked Mr. David.

"Yes," the class said in unison.

"So we share textbooks, yay," said Maryma, giddliy. 

i controlled myself. i was about to explode at any moment. Normally i would have yelled at Maryam and say whatever came to my  head. i dont know hwats stopping me but nothing seems to be able to come out of my mouth. Maryam seems sooo happy and way too innocent, its just making me sick.

"Nazia, here," Maryam held out a card.

On the top it wrote, "A New Friendship :)"

I opened it and it wrote with a scribbled handwriting:

Every new friend is a start of new adventures and exciting memories 

Im so glad we became friends,

-Maryam Ahmed

i looked up to see Maryam smiling at me.

"Um thanks" i said. She did it again! She is controlling me with her kindness. 

But the card is so beautiful, i have to admit. She pt some effort to it.

"No problem" said Maryam, smiling,  as usual.

Maybe i  should just be her friend. i mean whats the worst that can happen? 

"Hey, do you have instagram?"  she asked.

"Yeah," I said rolling my eyes.

We exchnaged usernames for instagram and kik. then we started doing the math problens from the textbook. 

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