Slurred Words

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Nazia's POV

"Um, why is she here? And ew, what is she wearing?" I said.

Bruce chuckled. "she looks familiar."

"Yeah, familiar and extremely annoying... wait... is that STAN?!!!"

"Nazia, how about we forget about what happened the other day," Stan said as he walked towards me with Maryam behind him.

"Ew get away from me," I grabbed Bruce's muscular arm and walked away.

"So, um, lets go get some snacks," Bruce smiled weakly.

"Yeah okay," I said. My cheeks were burning with rage. How dare they? Maryam looked like garbage. Stan looked like a garbage bag next to her. Ew, just thinking of them together makes me wanna puke.

Bruce handed me a plate filled with chips. After having some snacks and drinks, he pulled me aside.

"So, what's up? You look mad," he half-whispered to me. "Weren't they your friends?"

"No, not anymore, ew, no way, anyway forget about them, lets just dance," I smiled, and looked into his gorgeous eyes. How was it possible that this was the same fat, ugly Bruce. Why haven't I seen these blue eyes before?

"You know I still don't believe you, I need evidence," I told him.

"What do you mean?"


He laughed. "Okay I'll give you evidence."

"Yeah, you better," I said, while dancing to the song "Whistle While You Work It".


Maryam's POV

I've never felt this way before. Guilty, scared, vulnerable, unsafe, insecure. but at the same time excited, wild, and energetic.

"You look worried," Stan said, as he looked into my eyes. "Don't worry, Nazia cant hurt you. You're safe with me. Just never leave my side, okay?"

"Okay," I smiled.

He took my hand and led me to the dance floor. This was so haram. I felt so guilty. I was starting to wish I had never come here in the first place.

Everyone was literally half-naked. Throwing themselves out there.

The girls that were barely dressed, the intermixing of men an women, the dancing, the music, the drinking, all of it was forbidden in Islam.

And here I was, surrounded by all of it.

"Maryam, hello???" Stan waved his hand in front of my face. He laughed. "i thought you were about to faint. You should've seen the look on your face. What did i tell you? You will be safe. Trust me."

I nodded. But no, i would not be safe. What if i died here? I would face the punishment of the grave. What if i passed out? Who would help me? Nothing about this place was safe.

"Ew why does she have a blanket on her head?" one girl wrinkled her face as she walked by.

"It's called "modesty!" Something you wish you had!" Stan yelled at her.

I smiled at him. Then he pulled me closer and we started to dance. I had to fix this somehow.

"Um, Stan, can i tell you something?" I said as we danced.


"Well um, im not supposed to being doing this."

"Doing what? Dancing?"

"No, im not supposed to be, like, i cant do anything with men before marriage," i said.

"We aren't doing anything, we're just dancing, chill," he gave me an irritated look.

I felt like someone just punched me in the face. I couldn't believe it. I thought he was genuine and understanding.

"Yo, Stan, try this," someone gave him a glass of wine.

He immediately took it and drank the whole glass. "Yo, get another one for my girlfriend."




Before i could say no, he came back with a glass of wine. "I cant."

"Just drink it okay, just drink it up, drink all night," his words were slurring. He was definitely drunk. I've never been next to a drunk before. All i knew was that you should never be near a drunk, and you should definitely not take a step to becoming drunk.

"I cant drink it, sorry," i said.

Stan took the glass from the guy, pulled me closer and held me tight, so tight that it hurt. Then he forcefully shoved the glass in between my lips and pushed it into my mouth until I've drunk the whole glass. Then he took the glass and threw it to the ground. It shattered into pieces.

"WHATHA HELL?" i screamed.

"Stop screaming, you idiot, just dance."

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