Part 1

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You had been in California for three days when it came time for Paul to get his two year old son for the week. Nervous didn't begin to explain what you were feeling but to be in Paul's life you had to learn to get along with his ex,Pam. There was going to be a lot of adjustments all around for you and Paul. You looked over at the alarm clock on the nightstand. Sighing,You started to try to get out of bed when you felt him pull you in closer.

"Paul we have to get up, Evan will be here at 10, and it's almost 9 now" turning around to face him.

Leaning down he kissed you savoring it for a moment before looking at you with his head tilt.Giving you a clear sign there was something up or he wanted sex.

"Actually we are going to meet Evan and Pam out at the zoo at 11,before he comes here for my week. It's a better situation for Evan and well you" he said with his world shattering smirk.

"She can't be that bad!!! I get ,being protective, but you really think she would get out of control?" You asked looking at him

"Y/N believe me she will be intense to deal with.He said moving so he was leaning over you. Don't worry though you will be great, the only person I worry about liking you is Evan. He is like his old man so he's gonna love you." winking down at you

You leaned up and kissed him before rolling out from under him , chuckling as he began to pout."Don't give me that look , if we want to get out of this house on time we can't have sex now. Especially since it takes you at least 45 minutes to shower and primp before we can go anywhere."

"It doesn't take me that long but I'll go start coffee and take care of the fur ball. Ya know it's going to be interesting to see Evan with Maverick this week. Paul said walking out of the master bedroom.

By 10:45 Paul was pulling his blacked out SUV into the parking lot of the zoo. He pulled out his cell phone dialing a number quickly. Looking over at you with a ghost smile on his face. Highly hoping that the day would be drama free for Evan and yours sake. Turning his attention back toward the phone as a voice came across the line.

"Hey we are parked by the entrance and are about to head in. Where are you and Evan at?" Paul listened for a few more minutes to the person on the other line before handing up. "Y/N I'm gonna apologize now for whatever may take place with that crazy woman!"

You looked over at Paul watching him take a few deep breaths. Grabbing his hand giving it a tight squeeze, before you both got out of the car. Walking hand in hand to the entrance. Stopping in front of a tall , long haired woman holding a little boy that was the spitting image of Paul. He let go of your hand, grabbing the little boy.

"Hi Bubba! Did you miss me?" Paul asked spinning the little boy around causing you to smile from ear to ear.

"Dada!!!" the little boy screamed causing all three of you to laugh. Paul walking the little boy over to you.

"Y/N this is my son Evan , Evan can you say hi to Y/N" he asked, making the waving motion as Evan mimicked his dad.

" Hi little guy, you ready to go see the animal?" You asked as Evan reached for you from Paul's arms, causing both of you to exchange looks. Until you heard the woman clear her throat.

" Oh yeah Y/N this is Evan's mom, Pam, Pam this my girlfriend" he said a tense look displayed across his face.

Pam looked from you to Paul and rolled her eyes. Already striking a nerve in you with the 'better than everyone' attitude. "Nice to meet you,Pam," you said. The tension between the three of you could have been cut with a knife.

"Daddy. Evan grabbed his dad's face, looking him dead in the face. Let go see animals!" causing the three of you to laugh.

" Well you heard the man , let's go see the animal" Paul said as he put his son on top of his shoulders and took off.

You all walked around the zoo for a few hours, pulling your camera out snapping a few photos of the two of them as you watch Paul's interaction with his son and how happy both of them were together. Making you think back on your relationship with your own dad. Pam's voice pulled you away from memory lane.

"So he picked you up on tour? Usually he only has one use for groupies and that ends the next morning. You must have done something to his liking for him to move you here" Pam said looking down her nose at you.

Stunned for a moment trying to take in her words and not beat the hell out of her. You stayed silent for a moment looking at her."

" Wow , This is really how the interaction between us is going to start? I didn't meet Paul at his concert in my town, We met each other when he happened to walk in at a bar I was at that night and have talked on the phone for the last 4 months until he came and saw's also not your business on why we are together because it in no way jeopardize you son" you snipped at her as she stared at you.

" Believe me if I will be digging in to find out more about you. Don't want my son around some psycho hick" Pam fired back.

Paul walked over holding Evan asleep on his shoulder just as you were about to fire back at his ex. He looked from you to her sensing there was an issue already between you.

"Everything okay,Y/N?" He asked, wrapping his free arm around you. You shook your head pulling out of his embrace causing him to look over at Pam. Handing Evan to you.

" I'm going to talk to his mom for a moment. I'll be right back" kissing his son's head and you before walking over to his ex pulling her to the side.

You watched as both of them went back and forth with each other. Unable to catch full sentences but noticed Paul wiping his face. Knowing that was his way of calming himself after his and your brother's encounter.

" This conversation is over Pam! I'm going to take Evan home for my week with him. We will see you next Monday." He said grabbing Evan from you and half heartedly smiled at you as you both began to walk off leaving her behind you.

The walk to the car was awkwardly silent. Whatever the two of them had discussed had Paul tense. Making you question if you being with him was going to cause Paul more drama than happiness. He put Evan in his car seat as you climbed in the front.

" If me being around is going to make it too hard for you with Evan and Pam, I can fly back home. I don't want my presents here fucking everything up for you or throwing more drama your way." You blurted out causing Paul to put the car back in park and pull his sunglasses up.

"Y/N don't let her get in your head. If I thought you were going to be too much drama or put me in jeopardy of seeing my boy, I would not have fought to get you here with me." She is jealous that Evan is already comfortable with you and that I've moved on. Everything will be ok." He said leaning over and kissing you slipping his tongue in to deepen the kiss. Staying locked together for a moment you pulled away to get air.

Chuckling to himself, Paul pulled the car out of its spot and headed toward the house. The start of your first full week with Evan.

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