Chapter 6 - Wrong Number

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As a tipsy Beomgyu walks down the corridors, Soobin could only trail behind him. The tall boy chuckles and smiles as he sees Beomgyu skipping down the corridor while spreading his arms wide open. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and let out a deep sigh as he shrugs his shoulders, he fixes his gaze on the gray tiled floor and continues walking behind Beomgyu.

"Is Lia doing okay?", was all that he could think of right now.

Now, you're curious about what had happened to them. Soobin stops in his tracks and pulls out his vibrating phone, someone was calling him, but who? Who would call him at 3 in the morning? His eyebrows furrow and he purses his lips, tapping on the green button as he holds the phone to his ear and continues to walk down the corridor. "Hello?"

"Mr. Kang, where the hell are you!? I've been waiting for-"

The annoyance in the woman's voice gave Soobin chills. "Mr. Kang?" Soobin answers, questioning the person on the other line.

"Wow, funny, Mr. Kang.. I've been waiting at the building for half an hour already."

Soobin stops and pulls the phone away from his ear for a moment, "The heck?" he muttered and put the phone back to his ear. He bites his lip as he looks around for Beomgyu, when he couldn't find him anywhere, he sighs in frustration. "Listen, miss. I think you have the wrong number," he said, jogging forward to search for Beomgyu.

"What do you mean? Hold on,"

Soobin hears shuffling on the other end before a curse word interrupts, "Whoever Mr. Kang is, you should scold him." he chuckles before pulling the phone away from his ear.

"Wait, Soobin!"

Soobin freezes in his position and gapes at the caller's ID, another call of his name brings him back to reality. He slowly puts the phone to his ear again, "How did you.." he trails off and blinks his eyes in confusion. He hears more shuffling followed by a creak on the other end, "What in the-" Soobin cuts mid-sentence and catches his breath.

"Soobin, it's Lia..."

His breath hitches and he stops looking for Beomgyu, "Lia.." he mumbled under his breath. Soobin's lips curls up into a small smile, "It's you," he said, which almost came out as a whisper. He hears her chuckle nervously on the other end, "Um.. Hi," he heaves a sigh, hearing her greet him with a soft and gentle voice.

Soobin, then, recalls her saying something about waiting at the building for half an hour. "Mr. Kang isn't there, is he?" he asked and Lia hums as an answer. He purses his lips and turns his head to the other end of the corridor, "What are you doing there at 3 in the morning?" he questioned and heard Lia clearing her throat. "Well, I was practicing." his eyebrows furrow as he walks to the end of the lighten up corridor.

"At this time of day?"

"Well.. Yeah."

He turns around the corner and sees Beomgyu sitting on the floor with his legs folded close to his chest, the boy is probably asleep or crying as he hugged his legs. Soobin hears an audible yawn from Lia as he walks closer to Beomgyu, "Lia, stay there." he muttered and reaches for Beomgyu's arm.


"Stay put, I'm on my way."


Without waiting for her answer, he hangs up on her and slides his phone inside his pocket while he holds Beomgyu by the waist. He hooks Beomgyu's arm around his neck and brings the drunken boy back to their dorm. After unlocking the front door, he slowly walks inside while still holding Beomgyu, he's making sure not to wake up the other members.


Soobin shuts his mouth as a familiar voice calls him, Damn it. He cursed in his thoughts, he slowly and warily turns around to face the younger member who is standing in the doorway of his and Taehyun's room. "Kai, um - hi?" he awkwardly greets the boy in a blue hoodie. Kai just stands there and takes in all that's happening in front of him, "Beomgyu's drunk.." he said and Soobin nodded.

"And you look awfully stern." said Kai.

"Do I?"


Kai steps closer to his two members and helps the insanely tall leader carry Beomgyu to his room, which was also known as the dressing room where he chose to sleep in and turn it into his own room. After they place him on his bed, Soobin zooms out and heads to the front door again. "Where are you going now?" Kai asked.

Soobin gives him a smile before cracking open the door, "Um - JYP Entertainment.." Kai raises his eyebrows in curiosity at the answer the elder gave. Soobin stops and turns to Kai, "Oh, and why are you not asleep yet? It's almost 4." he asked, cocking an eyebrow at the younger one. Kai shrugs his shoulders, "Couldn't sleep."

"What is it?"

"Well, you know what."

Soobin gives an apologetic smile before patting his shoulder and giving him an empathetic gaze, "Someday-" he pauses and glances at his watch. "One day, she'll realize it. Don't worry," he said.

. . .

Soobin takes a sharp turn in front of JYP Entertainment and hits the brakes, he looks at the building's entrance as he unbuckles his seatbelt. He pulls his mask up to cover half of his face and puts on a cap before opening the car door. He walks towards the entrance and sees a female's figure, it's Lia's, he just knows. They say when you date, you know everything about your partner. Soobin once refused to believe it, but after he experienced it himself, he just questions himself.

As soon as he steps inside the building, Lia turns around and greets him with a nervous smile. It didn't go unnoticed by him, but Soobin kept a blank look on his face. He halts in front of her and stares into her eyes, their faces are literally inches away from each other and their breaths hitched. When Soobin realized there was no space between them, he steps back a bit to give Lia some space since he knows she doesn't like it when someone gets too close to her.

"You came.."

"I'm a man of my words, Lia. Of course, I came for you."

They hear footsteps coming from the restroom and Soobin didn't hesitate to hold her hand. He pulls her outside and to his car, but before he could open the door for her, he glances at their hands that are intertwined. "Sorry.." he muttered as he quickly retracted his hand. He opens the door for her and heads to the driver's side when she had already gotten in.

"Thanks for fetching me." Soobin heard her mumble and a small smile replaces his pursed lips from earlier. "You're always welcome," he pauses and turns his head to her before his lips grow into a wide grin. "Jisu.."


Kind of a SooLia chapter, so enjoy! I know some of you are in love with SooLia.


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