Chapter 17 - Something New?

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Haechan's eyebrows were knitted together as he watches Yiren's actions - smirking at Ryujin and by the looks of it, insulting her. He hesitates to approach the van as he didn't know what he'd do to interfere, but his body automatically moves when Yiren suddenly yanks Ryujin's collar, making her stumble out of the van.

"Stay away from Beomgyu, bitch. If I'm not getting him, no one is. Now, you listen here.. I am not done yet with making you suffer, Shin. Just so you know, he'll like me and only me." Haechan freezes before he could reach the two to stop them.

"You're pathetic. Even if he doesn't like me, I'm 100% sure he won't ever like someone like you. Don't you get it? He does not like you."

"Shut up, before I make you!"

"Okay, then. Do it, if you can. Come on, let me see how strong you are."

Haechan took that as a sign to finally step in to avoid them from getting into trouble that is far worse from the matter they were talking about, "That's enough, Yiren." he commands. Yiren smirks at the male and scoffs whilst taking a step closer to him, "You got backup? Oh, how weak are you?" she questioned, slowly making her way towards Haechan as she keeps an eyes on Ryujin.

She harshly grabs his collar and whispers in his ear, "If you want Ryujin, I'll make sure you'll get her." but Haechan takes her hands off and scowls at her. "I might like her, but that doesn't mean I'm obsessed with her. Get a grip, Yiren." he spat. "Ugh, it's you again."

"When... I thought you were going home."

Yiren's head snaps towards Ryujin's direction as she heard the voice, "Beomgyu-yah.. What are you doing here?" she mumbles as she hides her arms behind her back, pretending as if nothing happened. The annoyed look on Beomgyu's face says it all, "Obviously, to take Ryujin away from you." he answers as he grabs Ryujin's wrist.

"Why are you here? And aren't you supposed to be at your dorm now?"

Beomgyu turns his head to her and smiles, "Boyfriend senses." he mutters as a response and immediately pulls her arm to lead her into the van. Yiren was about to step in front of them when Haechan took hold of her arm, "Don't you dare, Yiren." he warns.

She yanks his hands away and stomps towards the couple, pulling them apart. "Mwo?!" Beomgyu furiously yells. "What do you want?" he asks. "I want you to like me! For God's sake, we've been friends for months but you still haven't noticed. I wa-"


Everyone went silent. Beomgyu didn't dare to speak as he knew there was no stopping the girl and Haechan knows it, too. "How would you like it if a girl confesses to your boyfriend in front of you? How would you feel if you keep getting pestered by the girl that keeps bothering your boyfriend, huh?" Ryujin says.

Yiren slowly turns her head towards Ryujin, tears threatening to fall and her cheek - red and stinging. Ryujin shakily breathes out, "What? Do you think I'm going to give up and break up with him just because of you? That isn't me, Yiren. That's not what I'd do." she mutters, teeth gritting in anger. "I'm not upset because you like him but I'm furious because you keep pissing me off. Like him all you want, just don't keep invading his and my personal space."

Beomgyu slowly grabs both her shoulders, "Ryujin.." he muttered. When she turned to him, a soft smile was given as a gesture saying that's she's fine. Beomgyu sighs and glances at Haechan, he gives the male a sympathetic smile. "Let's.. Um - stop it here." said Haechan.

Beomgyu took it as a sign to exchange a few words with Ryujin, turning to her with knitted eyebrows, he forces a smile on his face. "Let's get you home." he said, sliding his hand down her arm. He gives Yiren one last look before he steps into the black van behind him and Ryujin.

. . .

"Yiren, let's go. I'll escort you to your van." Haechan's words rang through her ears as she stands still, in the same position as earlier. Haechan hesitantly grabs her hand, pulling her out of trance. He turns her around and sighs as he closes the gap between them with a hug. Taken aback, Yiren tries to push him away with all her might. "Don't, you're hurt and I know you need this." she freezes.

He's right, too right.

"What you did was wrong, so wrong. I don't have the right to say this, but you're a bad person.. For doing all that, just to try and get Beomgyu to like you. The truth hurts - he can't and won't like you back, Yiren. It applies to me and Ryujin, too. She won't ever like me back, I know. But I choose to like her because that's what my heart wants. Yiren, you can't force someone to like you back." he muttered, completely shutting the girl up with his words.

Seconds after that, he hears faint sobs. His eyes turn soft as he pulls away to look at her, "Why did you even do it?" he asked, hesitating to sweep the girl's hair away from her slim face. "I.. I-I don't .. I don't know." his pursed lips were now tugged into a tight smile.

He silently sighs and wipes her tears away using his sleeve, "Sometimes love makes you go insane. It really does." he chuckled, grinning at her. He grabs onto her shoulders and escorts her to her van, like he said he'd do. "I hope you learned something from your mistakes.. I want to see you happy, not.. Sinister." he joked, causing her to laugh a little.

He was about to go when he felt her grip on his hand tighten, not letting him go. Turning to her, he asks, "What is it?" she offered him a smile, which he gladly returned. "Um.. Thank you, for your words. I kind of got double-slapped by you and Ryujin, but it really helps. Thanks, again." she said. He chuckles and firmly nods his head, "I'll go ahead now, see you around." he waved.

"Wait!" his head turns to her again.

Embarrassed by her actions, she laughed awkwardly. "Ahaha.. Sorry, but can I have your number?" his breath hitched at that, but he immediately reacted to it. After exchanging phone numbers, they finally head home. But with a single question lingering in their minds.

Was that the start of something new?


Is there an unexpected couple coming??

Idk, you tell me.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! I'm kind of busy with school at the moment, I'm only reading to relieve stress.. So, updates will be delayed. Also, how was your day?

P/S: This chapter is not examined. Please ignore the mistakes :)

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