[12] : letter for draco

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        the next day was the day the students were sent home for winter break. daphne would've slept straigh through the morning if hydra hadn't have woken her, considering her and dean had stayed at the ball till they were literally kicked out.

        all night, hydra listened to her best friend tell her stories of her and dean dancing or almost kissing or how dreamy he was. hydra didn't mind... she liked hearing her friend so happy. however, at some point, she zoned out a little, the thought of her and draco running through the halls, hand in hand, playing through her head like a record on repeat.

        "i want to know you better." she'd heard his voice say over and over again in her head. it was frankly one of the sweetest things anyone had ever said to her. it was such a small phrase but she knew how monumental it was coming from draco. so hydra too had been up late, writing down all of her feelings in a letter she hoped to give to draco.

        "is your bag all packed?" hydra asked daphne, who groggily zipped her suitcase, yawning. "mhm." she said sleepily.

        "you must've gotten at least one hour of sleep last night." hydra giggled, stuffing her suitcase with the last of her things as malinda sat politely on the edge of her bed. "you ready to go home to bill?" she asked her cat quietly, kissing her forehead.

        daphne laughed," you were up too, dumbass. what were you even doing? you were writing something, weren't you?"

        "just getting a headstart on the work for the break, you know?" hydra lied straight through her teeth, knowing very well they weren't assigned any work for the week. she prayed daphne wouldn't put two and two together and not badger her about the letter she'd written draco.

        "wait a minute..." daphne started, tapping her chin, making hydra close her eyes in defeat. "was that the work snape assigned us?"

        a sigh of relief escaped hydra's lips as she responded," yeah, just to write an essay on what we learned this term." malinda meowed, knowing her owner was lying, as hydra glared at her. daphne let out an 'oh' before saying," y'know, h, i'm gonna miss you. you better write me."

        glad that the subject was changed but now a little sad to leave behind her friends, hydra responded," me too, daph. you know i will." the blonde girl smiled, grabbed her bag, and went over to grab hydra's hand. picking up her own bag, hydra took her best friend's hand and made their way down the stairs to the common room, where many slytherins stood, conversing. malinda followed happily behind.

        "hey, daph, i have to talk to draco, but you start going down to the boats with malinda. i'll be right behind you." hydra said, spotting draco in the crowd. daphne nodded and signaled the cat to follow her, disappearing into the halls. most students weren't going home this break because of the tournament, but hydra wanted to spend time with bill and daphne missed her family too.

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