[27] : detention

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"ugh, hydra, i do not want to be here right now. i have such a bad headache." daphne groaned, leaning forward on her desk, covering her eyes with her hand.

"you know that can be easily fixed, right?" hydra chuckled as classmates around them began to fly paper birds and laugh amongst themselves before their new and blatantly annoying professor arrived.

daphne looked at her and said," using magic to cure things like headaches feels so lame though... like i'm not even strong enough to take on a headache? that's not me. by the way, you have a booger."

hydra's eyebrows rapidly furrowed and she covered her nose. "keep it down... do i actually?"

"yes, you actually do. do you want me to pick it for you?" the girl beside her asked in a hushed tone, holding back a laugh.

"i don't think i believe you." hydra snapped in a whisper.

"if you don't believe me, that's on you. i'm telling you that you have a little gold in your mine so i am offering to pick it."

"you're lying."

"i am not."

        "yes, you are! stop spreading rumors about my snot!"

        "spreading rumors to who?! stop whisper yelling at me!"

        "daphne greengrass, i will beat the snot out of you."

        "i really think it's me who should do that to you."

        "i'm gonna punch you."

        "let me pick it, hydra."



        "fine, get it out."

        daphne dug her fingernail into her best friend's nostril before a chipper voice from behind them said," girls, what are you doing?"

       casually flicking the booger to the side, daphne laughed awkwardly, looking up at the new professor who was watching over them in question, as hydra buried her head into her arms, her face turning as red as her hair as the class stared at the two girls. draco smiled small at his embarrassed girlfriend.

        "nothing, professor." daphne responded in her best polite yet still awkward voice. hydra thought she might burst into flames her face was so hot.

        the pink-adorned woman turned her attention from them to the class and said," very well. good morning, children." her wand pointed to the chalkboard at the front as she began to walk forward. "ordinary wizarding level examinations. o-w-l-s... more commonly known as owls. study hard, and you will be rewarded. fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe."

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