[24] : dylan, meet daphne

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"god, it's been like five days and i still haven't gotten used to how comfy your bed is." daphne said, pulling the comforter up and over her shoulders while hydra smiled at her from where she was throwing on a big, clean t-shirt.

"i'm glad you're enjoying this cause you drool in your sleep. i've had to wash that pillowcase twice already." hydra laughed, flattening out any wrinkles in her oversized shirt and fiddling with her nose ring before jumping on the bed right next to daphne. the girl who was cozy in bed let out an 'oof' as the shift in weight on the bed made her body bounce a little. the two laughed before hydra added," get up and get dressed. we're gonna go grab a bite to eat with dylan."

"ugh, but hydra, all you have to wear is jeans and t-shirts. where's the sense of style?" daphne asked, teasing hydra. shaking her head the pendragon girl retorted," up your ass." the two started wrestling before bill knocked on the door.

        "come in!" hydra said and he opened the door to daphne being fake strangled by her. "you two are always inches away from literally murdering eachother whenever i see you all." he laughed and hydra rolled off her best friend as daphne punched her shoulder hard enough to make a loud smack noise.

        bill laughed and said," dylan's in the living room whenever you two are done fighting." he left the room and daphne got up to throw on the best outfit she could create from hydra's limited closet before the two ran out to the living room where the handsome, tall boy was sitting on the couch talking to bill with malinda in his arms.

        "hey!" he said, standing up and setting the cat down, as hydra ran over to engulf him in a hug. the two hugged and hydra was glad to be surrounded by another person she loved so dearly at that point in time. grief was still looming over her head since the loss of cedric was still so fresh but she was already working on healing and having daphne, bill, and now dylan by her side was really good for her.

        she let go of him and said," dylan, meet daphne." moving out of his line of sight, daphne was revealed from behind hydra and waved awkwardly. the boy smiled and engulfed her in a hug as well, catching her off guard. "any friend of hydra's is a friend of mine."

        daphne smiled over his shoulder at hydra who just laughed in response. when the two parted, bill said," don't be home too late, guys." the pendragon girl pecked her godfather's cheek and pet her cat before the three teens left the house.

        they made their way to a small cafe and got seated before dylan said," well, hydra, how was your second term?"

        she inhaled, recounting the good and bad memories she'd made the second term, and responded," a lot happened. a lot of good and a lot of bad. i don't need to get into it right now, but i'm glad i had my friends, especially daph here. i don't know what i would've done without her weird ass."

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