chapter one

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Splattered across the dining room table was a mound of different colors and textures and flowers and cake samples. Taehyung had never seen such a headache as he tugged at each sample with disgust. He hated weddings; thought they were overrated and overpriced, yet his fiancé insisted that they go all out. It's what the families would want.

In a way, she was right.

This would be a wedding that would end up in magazines, would end up in newspapers, it was a wedding that may even be presented in economics textbooks twenty years from now. It was a merging of companies and great wealth, a power move.

Much to his dismay, Taehyung had just turned thirty and within five years he would need to be married, a father, the president and CEO of Kim Tech and yet, all he wanted was simplicity. He wanted more time. When did he become such an old man? Driven by prospects and money and appearances. He despised it.

"You ready babe?" His fiancé bounced into the apartment, the wedding planner in tow.

He eyed them both wondering why in the world he even needed to be here when it was clear that she had a professional helping, "Sure dear."

Jisoo plopped down on one end of the table, the wedding planner directly across- Tae opted for the head of the table, as far away from the chaos as possible. He pulled his phone out, poking at e-mails that were marked high importance despite being anything but.

"Are you going to pay attention?" He felt the rage from the other side of the table, big brown eyes staring deep into his soul.

"I am! I do have work to do to though, you know? Lucky, I'm a great multi tasker!" He flashed a cheeky smile, one that resembled a perfect rectangular box. It was just one of many unique features that he possessed. One of the many things that had drawn Jisoo to him.

That and the fact that both parents were pushing heavily for the arrangement.

"I think that you'll want this to be an homage of what's to come but not a full reveal. Do similar but more muted versions of the colors, do similar more muted versions of the flowers- for your wedding it will be extravagant and elegant. This will simply be elegant." The woman across from Jisoo had opened a binder, pointing to pictures of weddings she had designed in the past. Everything looked over the top, looked very expensive- it all looked disgustingly filled with tulle and unnecessary waste.

Taehyung crinkled his nose, "Are you saying that we aren't talking about the wedding right now? What are we planning then?"

"The engagement party!" The two women spoke in unison, like they were one soul in two bodies.

He was taken aback, "What the fuck is an engagement party?" It was moments like this that he wished for a sister, one that would step in and deal with this while he focused more on actual work, something he actually cared for.

It wasn't that he didn't care for Jisoo. She was a charming young woman, with delicate features and long dark hair. She was elegant and proper although he could sense a bit of wild in her that lingered from her late teens. They had met like most couples of their status did, at a black-tie affair. She had been with her Father, charming everyone who came into her presence. She had been blonde at the time, her makeup much heavier and her face far more bloated. Taehyung at first was disinterested as he was with most people but after being introduced, it seemed likely that the two would end up at the altar.

Arranged marriages were archaic, a slam to the modern way but in business, things were different. They were organized. Destiny and fate and romance was canceled out for stocks and property and wealth. Marriages were an act of trade, one that ended in affairs and unwanted children that were raised by nannies.

He knew because he had been one.

Jisoo was far younger than him, almost seven years, but she was wise for her age and mature, calculated. Everything she did, she did with meaning and her independence was admirable. Maybe that was why he had agreed to court her, to wed her, to eventually have children with her, and take lavish vacations alongside her. She was just easy to get on with.

Even if she did enjoy the process of planning these ridiculous parties.

"I think that we'd ideally like elegance, proper blacks and golds. Right?" Her eyes were directed at him but he hadn't heard a word.

Tae simply nodded, "Sounds great!"

"No roses. They're overdone! Let's just do greenery, palm leaves and ivy. Like an elegant jungle!" Jisoo's eyes widened at the thought of being able to include cheetah print somewhere.

"You're wild!" Tae crossed his arms and smirked, imagining his own Mother walking into a ceremony without roses and a white dress.

"It's part of my appeal. My friends won't be expecting anything classic, in fact, they may be anticipating something a little gauche and I intend to provide." Her eyes scanned over the guest list which had been in the works since long before they were engaged, "Why isn't Jungkook on this list?"

"Your Mother didn't have anybody with that name on her list of-," The planner seemed to panic, hands nervously fiddling through each printed e-mail with guest lists that had been sent by both the Jeon's and the Kim's.

"Nonsense! Jeon Jungkook. I'll get you his address!" Jisoo stood from the table, her hands were seemingly shaking as she mentioned the name.

Taehyung stood to follow her, "What's this about?"

They were standing in her office, one of many rooms that they had in their oversized apartment, a perfect view of New York sparkled on every side of them. Her eyes were wet with memories of her brother, a man who she hadn't seen in years and she wondered what he was doing on a day like today. Was he dancing? Was he happy?

They spoke occasionally. He had quit accepting her money and dodged a majority of calls. All she received was a few postcards from trips around the world. He always signed it "JJ" but never put love. She still loved him; did he not love her anymore?

Her hands lifted the last stack of letters, searching for one that had a return address. He had only sent one and it was almost two years ago. She hoped he still lived there, "It's nothing!"

Tae grabbed the stack of postcards and letters, sifting through each one carefully, "Who is JJ?"

"My brother!" She snapped trying to escape before she had to explain any further.

The boy wasn't a fighter by any means, not one to care about family drama, not his own and certainly no one else's. He dropped the postcards back on the desk and followed her out.

"Here you are." Jisoo passed off the envelope, "Can you let me know if you see it in your returned mail? I intend to call him to invite him but just in case. And make sure he has a plus one!"

"Of course!" The wedding planner nodded her head.

Tae watched the way Jisoo tried to recompose herself, the way she sniffled so delicately, biting her lip to hold in a sob. He had heard very little of this brother; the family didn't speak of him, there was no trace on the walls. He had no idea what had happened between them. But now, he was curious.

"You'd absolutely love him Tae! He's an angel." It was as though she could read his mind, the way he was so curious about this so-called brother, "I really hope he comes!"

Taehyung hoped he did too.

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