chapter five

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It was evident that Mr. Jeon wanted the same for his son and daughter that he had for himself. Success, money, a lavish home or three, nice cars, oh, and more money. From a young age, he had taught them work ethic and value, setting up a fake store to encourage them to invest wisely.

When the kids were younger they thought this was a fun game, naïve to the fact it was basically training for their future running the company. The older Jungkook got, the more he realized every action was for that purpose and what should have been fun, suddenly became work. It was exhausting watching as his Father tried to convince him that a gold and silver bar was more relevant to wealth than simple paper money but Jungkook had sat through a thousand lessons, planned a thousand times over what his speech would say when he finally took over the company and within a second- it was all stripped away.

His Father had always been a portly man. Well-fed, well bred, but under the light of this venue, it was clear that things had changed in the passing years. He walked with a cane, a limp, his suit fell off of him like he had no fat for it to grip onto. The outline of his cheek bones were blatantly visible, the skin hung from his jaw to his neck like some sort of wild bird. He looked terrible. Like death itself had knocked on his door and was waiting to be let in.

His Mother looked almost the same, a bit more botox plugged into her forehead, a bit more sag in her arms but other than that, she was just as glamorous. Her arm looped around her husband, supporting him in a way that Jungkook thought he'd never see. She was ensuring he didn't trip on the ground, didn't collapse out of weakness. They were quick to find a seat and settle in it, his Dad too tired to mingle about unless guests came to him.

Why had Jisoo not mentioned that he wasn't the same? That he was sick or old or dying or whatever was happening? It wasn't that Jungkook was sad about it, all feeling for the man in front of him had gone out of the window years before but he did feel something in regard to seeing him in such a state. Like a pang, an ache in his chest that indicated that any chance of repairing the relationship was surely gone now. The clock had run out of time before they could even start.

His gaze seemed fixated on his parents throughout the night. He watched as they cared for Jisoo, mingled with other powerful socialites, and doted on Tae as though he was their own. That was what hurt the most. Watching his Mother smooth the boy's lapels, and fluff his curly hair, push the bangs aside as she kissed him on both cheeks. His Father laughed at a joke that the boy told, let his frail hand loop around Taehyung's shoulder as he squeezed it like he was his own son. The four of them were a perfect familial unit, they were exactly what Mr. Jeon had always wanted.

Jungkook felt himself pound down drink after drink, the buzz from the expensive vodka leaving him restless, a bit angry, dizzy with bitterness. A server had brought over a plate of food for him, surely at the request of Jisoo who had continued to side eye him throughout the night, worry laced on her delicate features. The older of the two poked at the smoked salmon and capers, the imported crackers and various spreads- food like this had been his palate for years but since moving out West, it had been switched over for iced lattes and smoothie bowls, seasoned ground beef covering tortilla chips; he had all but forgotten that the fishy after taste took hours to leave.

"Care for a smoke?" Jungkook was delayed in registering the deep voice, his eyes tilting up to see Taehyung stationed at the bar where he was reaching for a glass of red.

"Like a cigarette or a cigar or something a bit more scandalous?" The younger of the two teased.

"I'm open to all three options!" He noted the way Taehyung smiled with his whole face, eyes scrunched up to reveal little crinkles in the corners, a freckle on both his nose and lip that seemed to be hidden by the fact that both rows of teeth opted to be splayed out instead; it was the most charming smile Jungkook had ever seen.

"Let's start with a cigarette, eh? I'm sure your New York weed is still as shitty it was when I lived here!" Jungkook led the way to the second floor where he was sure there was a patio or fire escape they could hide out on.

The two walked up the grand staircase in silence, avoiding servers who wore bow ties and black vests. Upstairs was reserved for rooms to get ready, for guests to linger if they were overwhelmed. It held server's corridors and acted as storage for tables and chairs that weren't always used. It was an absolute disaster that didn't resemble the downstairs in the slightest but in a way, it was far more cozy and charming, far more realistic. The two spotted a window that led to a small iron dock which was reinforced by shitty metal bars. At one time, it was probably meant as a route to get down to the ground but it had been forgotten about, rusted beyond repair. Jungkook wasn't sure it would hold both their weight but he was willing to gamble.

His rolled-up sleeves revealed tattooed and toned arms as he cracked the window. Tae let his eyes trace over each engraving, taking in the quotes and the meaning behind each one. It would be frowned upon for him to get anything similar on his body yet it intrigued him so.

Jungkook jumped through the window first, testing the platform to make sure that it wasn't completely in shambles. Tae glanced out nervously, shifting side to side. He knew he wasn't as graceful as the younger, surely not as athletic. The window was about three feet from the ground and then a good five-foot drop.

Jungkook noted his nervousness and extended his arms, "I'll catch you, don't worry."

That alleviated a mound of stress, just those few words- he seemed to really mean it. How was a boy so wide in stature, so toned and menacing looking, so gentle? Taehyung ripped his jacket off and threw it on the ground before making his way over the window and into Jungkook's arms. It was impossible not to notice how effortless it all seemed, the younger of the two slipping Tae into the corner, both boys pressed closely together on the small iron platform.

"Thanks..." The words muttered from Tae's mouth were barely audible as he dug around for his pack of cigarettes.

"For somebody so petite, you're not all that grateful." Jungkook smirked playfully.

"For somebody so tough in appearance, you're quite the sofite!"

"I'm a perfect contradiction you could say."

"Last one, mind if we share?" Tae opened his pack up to reveal a single cigarette, "I guess I've been stress smoking more than I thought..."

"I'm not worried about it you aren't." Jungkook ripped the lighter from his hand, offering to help Taehyung like he was a perfect gentleman.

The older boy seemed grateful as he was able to take the first drag before passing it off, "So, I really didn't know you were the brother. I apologize if that came across as arrogance or disinterest. It's just your family doesn't talk about you much!"

Jungkook scoffed; he shouldn't be surprised yet in a way it offended him, "Of course they don't. I am the black sheep, the banished."

"Why were you banished?"

Jungkook was surprised that he knew nothing of the reasoning behind his departure, had his family really swept him that far under the rug? It was a slam to the fact that he was ever a part of the Jeon's, a slap in the face to any lingering feeling he may have for his parents, those who birthed and raised him. Somewhere deep down, he always held respect and longing to reconnect, in hopes that their narrow minds would open but even after so many years, it still hadn't.

The younger boy flicked the butt of the cigarette over the edge, so cool and casual.

"Because I like boys." 

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