chapter twenty-one (M)

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Jungkook's apartment was lavish in an entirely generic way.  

White walls, hard wood, neutral furniture- even his bedroom lacked any photos of his personal trips, friends, or interests.  It was small, two-bedrooms with one functioning as an at-home office which for the time being was essentially just a desk and a chair.

His eyes scanned it nervously, imagining what Tae would think upon seeing it.  Would he judge him based on the fact that everything looked out of a home furniture magazine? Would he judge him for his lack of creativity?

It's not that Jungkook wasn't creative.  Back in California he had been engulfed in a world of color, charm both at home, in his people, and in his day to day life but since returning to New York, he felt that he had to take a more stuffy approach.  He had to mimic what his Father had created.

Work was plain. His apartment plain. His clothes plain- the same suit day in and day out.  He had even take out his earrings for the time being.  The tattoos that he gotten on a whim, could not be covered but he did tend to wear more long sleeves since returning to the big apple, embarrassed that someone may ask him what everything meant and then he'd have to explain.

A personal conversation- that was his worst nightmare.

Tae hadn't mentioned what time he'd arrive so Jungkook made sure to leave work early, clearing his meetings for the day.  Nobody questioned it, assuming it had to do with his Father's death; he didn't correct them.  It was a better excuse than "my sister's ex-fiancé but maybe still fiance is coming for a sleepover."

The maid had swung by clearing empty cereal bowls and making sure that every inch of the house was dust free.  Jungkook was grateful that she was so vigilant in her efforts, keeping him on track since he had never been the best housekeeper.  

Everything felt as settled as it could be.

Jungkook wasn't sure why he was so nervous to impress Taehyung.  The boy didn't seem high strung in the type of way that he would care if a few clothes were out of place but it just seemed necessary to put on the best display possible.

A knock at the door signaled the older's arrival, "Kook! It's me!" He called out like it wasn't obvious.

The younger ran over, suddenly nervous about the whole thing, praying that his nausea would go away as quick as it came on, "Welcome to my home!"  It sounded so dorky coming from his lips; he instantly regretted it.

Tae laughed, his hands shoved in the pockets of his slacks as he scrutinized his surroundings, "I did a good job finding you a place, hm?"

"It gets the job done.  Were you hungry for dinner? We could go out?" He was nervous of what was to come if they stayed inside.

"Let's order in." Jungkook gulped, pulling out his phone and searching up local restaurants but Taehyung was quick to stop him, his own fingers flying faster, "My treat.  Since you're so gracious for letting me stay here!"

"I- It's no problem..." The younger stumbled over his words, "I put blankets and pillows on the couch for you.  I believe it pulls out into a bed but I guess I haven't tried it."

"Who is sleeping there?" Taehyung's almond orbs jumped up, "Dear, surely you know I'll be sleeping in bed with you."

"You should be so lucky!" Jungkook scoffed, "I thought this was to get away from Jisoo?"

"We both know that isn't why I invited myself over, don't we?" 

Both were surprised at the sudden bluntness.  Although they anticipated this happening again, this conversation, the sex that would surely follow, they both thought it would happen after they were filled with dinner and mundane small talk.

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