chapter twenty-five

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Jisoo and Jin looked cozy, both were snuggled up on their own respective beach chairs, laughs erupting over the empty walk of sand.

Taehyung watched in awe at the way she was so comfortable and casual around him.  When she had been with him, she was never so sweet or playful.  It felt like two different versions- he wondered if she felt the same watching him with Jungkook.

His body fell into the chair to her right, waiting for both of them to stare over at him.  Jin noticed first, excusing himself to find a restroom and grab a drink.  Tae nodded as a gesture of thanks, grateful that he wasn't as dense as some other simple men he'd come across in his time.

"We should talk..." Jisoo was fiddling with the edge of her pants, the distressed hems being ripped to shreds under her touch. 

"We should." His arms wrapped around his figure to keep warm, "You and Jin seemed to have hit it off?"

"He's an absolute delight." Her eyes were fixated on the ocean in front of them.

Taehyung fit his tongue into the pocket of his cheek anxiously, unsure how to bridge the next portion of the conversation, "Jisoo, this is over, huh?"

"I don't think it was ever much to begin with...." Her hand dug around in the pocket of her jeans, pulling out an oversized diamond ring that he had gifted at the start of this, "This makes it official then?"

He held his palm out to catch it, "You're meant to be more than a trophy wife, you know that right? You shouldn't settle for somebody who has affairs or who expects you to just attend functions with your mouth shut. You're too smart for that." He smirked at the thought of her with Jin, he had heard he was a chef, owned a restaurant, "I think that boy in there is good for you. He's different!"

"He really is. And he's smart but not like you and Kookie smart- more street smart. Whip smart. I'm infatuated with him." Her eyes really did have hearts plunging from them as she spoke, "I'm sorry that I wasted your time. I know how rigid you are about time."

"Why are you apologizing to me? I'm the one who fucked your brother after you specifically asked me not too."

"I knew you would from the minute you two met.  You both have an energy around you- like you were made specifically for each other.  You helped him open up to the idea of being back in my life and I could never pay you back for that- all I ever wanted was my brother and now I have him again. And he has you. And he needed you!" Jisoo ruffled the curls on top of Tae's head, stroked his cheek in admiration, "Will you take good care of him for me? Spoil him and stock your fridge with banana milk and wipe his tears when you watch sad movies- he's fragile that way."

Taehyung laughed at the thought of a muscled and tattooed Jungkook crying on his couch while watching a sappy movie; it was like a dream he didn't realize he had,  "I can handle that!"

"And when you two have kids, you'll send them to me so I can spoil them rotten?"

"You're jumping the gun a bit, don't you think?"

"Do you not picture a future with him?"

Taehyung laughed, "No, you're right, I do. I do see kids and a dog and a house with a fence and we'll play couple's tennis with you and Jin and you'll kick my ass because you and your brother have both decided to be good at everything you touch. It's annoying, really!"

Jisoo hummed, "Annoying or endearing? I think you got your words mixed up Mister!" Her eyes drifted over, "If we would have married, I wouldn't have been a good wife. I hate to cook and clean or order maids and servers around. I hate hosting lavish dinners for clients. I hate so many things that both you and your parents were expecting of me- I would have been an absolute tragedy as a wife if we'd made it to the alter."

"Then why did you agree in the first place?" He was asking out of curiosity, not anger.

She frowned, "Because that's what Daddy wanted. When I told him we had come to a mutual decision to marry I swear he jumped for joy. He spoke about moving office buildings to somewhere with a connecting hallway so that I could bounce over every time I brought you lunch and say hi!" Tears filled her eyes, cascading slowly over her cheeks like the slowest waterfall, "I wanted him to be happy because I knew he wasn't.  He was never happy after Jungkook left."

Taehyung pulled her into a hug, understanding the complications that came with familial obligations, especially ones as complex as their own, "He was so proud of you Soo. When we originally made the agreement for me to ask you to marry me, he spoke of you like you were the rarest gem he'd ever seen.  The screening process just to go on a date was absolutely ridiculous but I felt compelled by the way he spoke so highly of you. I knew you had to be special. And you are!"

She looked up, grinning through the sobs that were racking her petite frame, "Thank you Tae."

Jisoo used the back of her hands to wipe the remains of mascara from under her eyes, "I'm going to tell Jin he can come back out here. And Kookie."

"I'll start a fire!" Taehyung stared at the centered pit like he had any idea what to do.

"Why don't you let Jinnie handle it?" She tapped his chin playfully.

He rolled his eyes, "I can be handy!"

Taehyung watched her leave, waiting patiently for everyone to return.  He was grateful to see Jungkook exit through the glass door first, a bottle of wine and two glasses in his hand.  His bunny teeth revealed themselves as soon as he spotted Tae, amazed that somebody could be so beautiful.

"Wine! You know how to win a man's heart." The older helped him with the glasses, holding them out while Jungkook poured the red liquid to the brim.

"How did your chat go?"  Jungkook didn't want to pry but he was curious.

"It went ever better than anticipated and I have something to ask you?" The older grabbed the boy's hand, pulling him into the sand, towards the water, allowing their feet to sink in, loafers discarded at the bay.  They were practically sprinting, careful not to spill a full glass of red all over the other as they let the water come up to their knees.

"Tae what are you doing?" Jungkook spoke between giggles, grateful when he finally paused in the midst of the water.

The older wrapped his free arm around the boy, rocking them back and forth against the waves that were climbing up, "Jeon Jungkook, would you go on a proper date with me?"

"That's all you wanted to ask?" Jungkook frowned, "You got my slacks wet for that!"

"Hush!" His eyes were menacing, "I figured we could go while we're in Japan?"

"You were being serious when you asked me to come?" Now he was curious, elated, entirely delighted by the words coming from the older.

"You didn't say yes yet?"

Jungkook felt himself lean in, planting kisses down Tae's jaw and neck before crawling back up to meet his lips, "Yes times a thousand!"

Commotion from the shore broke them from their trance, "Kiss him again!" It was Jisoo with a bottle of tequila in her hand, body attached to Jin like she was his backpack. 

It was nice to see somebody match her goofiness.

"Hey!" Jungkook called out, pulling Tae through the water, "Way to ruin a moment!"

"Only fair since you fucked my fiancé!" She flew off Jin's back, jumping onto her brother instead as they walked back to the fire pit which finally had flames coming from it.

"Is that going to be a running joke in the family now?" Tae was grateful it was dark so they couldn't see how pink his cheeks were.

"I forgot one thing inside!" Jisoo ran indoors while the others settled into beach chairs, eager to just relax now that all uncomfortable situations were out of the way.

"What is it?" Jungkook squinted trying to see.

"It's Dad!" Her hand extended, "Let's go put him to rest..."

Well, that was the shortest moment of relaxation he had ever endured.

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