chapter ten

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Taehyung hadn't quite been sure how to answer the question but he told Jungkook that he'd find out and then he gave him his cell number, told him to call anytime, told him to call as soon as he made a decision. Jungkook seemed pleased by that, gripping onto his phone like he had never seen such a beautiful number input.

Was it possible that Jungkook shared the same attraction that Tae felt? The dark-haired boy shook his head. It didn't matter if they did, nothing would ever come of it. It was simply infatuation with a stranger, one who had a backstory, who was a bit of a rebel- Tae had always had a thing for bad boys after all.

The tattoos and the piercings weren't helping the issue at all.

Jisoo was sat at the dining room table, the wedding planner on the other side running through more with her now that the engagement party had officially ended. She perked up upon seeing him, "How did it go?"

Taehyung smiled, "I think it went well!" He sat down next to the two women, knowing that if he didn't, Jisoo would just beckon him out to answer something trivial like cupcake flavors and then demand he stick around.

"Can you see the two of you becoming good friends?"

Taehyung practically choked on that idea. Could she see the tension between the two of them, the way that both stared a bit too long, embraced a bit too long- he hoped not, "I'm sure we could. I'm sure we will if he comes back!"

"Should I add him to the list of groomsmen then?" Jisoo raised a brow, curious as to why Tae got so panicked over such a simple question.

He nodded, "Sounds fine! Shouldn't we make sure he's coming back though first?"

"You're so charming darling, I don't know how he could resist advice from you!" Her finger tapped his chin playfully, causing his almond orbs to glance back at her, forcing him to give her his full attention, "Anyways, I think that was all the planning for today. Thank you for stopping by Evelyn!"

The woman nodded sweetly, "Of course!" It seemed like all she did was stop by, at all hours, and every day.

"Isn't she a doll?" Jisoo continued to flip through some of the photos of dresses that were in front of her, "I'm planning to try these on next week and-,"

"How long does your Father have to live?" Taehyung jumped right to the point, the question that had been eating him.

The girl to his left folded her arms, studying the table like it had something interesting written on it, "Why do you ask?"

"Because it seems like he's been dying for ages but I don't know if that's simply him surviving or if it's an indication that-"

"That's a morbid question!" She gasped, "Just because he's the devil reincarnated doesn't mean he's not still my Father."

Was she really offended? He couldn't quite judge. Her acting was to spot on, "I'm sorry to offend you, my curiosity got the best of me I guess!" He could never mention that the information was actually for Jungkook.

Jisoo softened, revealing the truth, "I would say six months at best. That's why I think we should push the wedding up- so he can walk me down the aisle. It's important to a daughter, you know?" She felt her hand trace her fiancés, her short digits so mismatched against his long ones, "I was thinking that next month would be good!"

The boy sitting next to her was floored, that was soon. His mind darted about, spewing words before he could even think them over, "It depends. I have business overseas next month, what weekend? And then would we postpone the honey moon. No use going to Bora Bora in the summer!" In reality, he still wasn't quite sure he was ready to be married.

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