chapter fourteen

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The buzz of red wine and brandy never lasted into the next day.  All that remained was a hair of shame, an abundance of regret- not regret- no wait, this was certainly regret, was it?  

Jungkook poked at the bags underneath his eyes, cursing himself for staying out, for sleeping with taken men, for letting his inhibitions fade despite knowing better.

His Father had sunk low through life, slept with nannies and maids in the family home but he never once broke a bond like this.  Jungkook wondered if he was really any better than his own Father, had a week in New York turned him into the same corrupt version that the older man was?  His hand trembled as he reached over to dial the one person he knew he could count on- Jimin.

He wondered if the boy was at work, if sleeping alone was bothering him as much as it was Jungkook, if he had already moved back to his ex who seemed to hang around?  The cheerful ball on the other line paused with worry, but only for a moment, "Koo! I was just thinking about you.  I took over your choreography for Luna and they were talking about how much they missed you.  I said I felt the same!"

Jungkook smiled thinking of the girl group, thinking of Jimin with them- his favorite people had been confined in a room together, doing what they loved and yet here he was in his apartment, wallowing in pity that came from his own choices.  His words were faint, like he was underwater, "I miss you too.  You've been on my mind constantly!"

An awkward silence settled amongst the two, both unsure how to properly carry on a conversation between exes, "H- How have you been?" Jimin was the first to break, his voice dropping an octave so Jungkook could sense his worry.

The younger smiled at that, grateful that somebody still cared enough for him to at least pretend to have concern, "Honestly Jimin, I called because I made a mistake."

"A mistake in moving to New York?"

"No... well, maybe!" Jungkook hummed, "Can I tell you as a friend, not an ex?"

Jimin seemed to agree, "Of course!"

The brunette shifted in his spot in bed, pulling the covers up to muffle out noise despite knowing he was at home alone, "I slept with my sister's fiancé last night!"

The older had to hold in his laughter at what he believed was a joke, "Excuse me?"

Jungkook groaned, "It's not funny Jimin! We had gone out for dinner and dinner turned to drinks and drinks turned to my new dance studio-,"

"And the dance studio turned into dick? That's quite a jump babe!" Jimin was only partially shocked- he had seen pictures of Kim Taehyung, the boy was beautiful and completely Jungkook's type.  He had an aura of mystery, a hint of challenge- the type that would draw any curious male or female or person in.  When the younger failed to respond, Jimin found himself rambling, "How did it happen? How did you find out he liked men or- basically just start from the top? Wait, did you top?"  He laughed nervously.

The younger plucked at his fingernails, chewing at the edges until they were bore down to just the skin.  He wasn't sure where to start, "If I buy you a plane ticket can you fly out tonight?"

"Jungkook..." Jimin sighed, "I would if I could but I have practice and lessons and-," He swore he heard sad sniffles coming from the other line, "For how long?"

"Just the weekend?" The younger couldn't cope with being alone right now.

"And for what reasoning do you need me there?" The older wanted him to truly ponder his feelings before bringing an impartial third party into the mix.

The younger was mumbling, sad and stressed, "I just... I need you Jiminie! I need somebody! I have no friends here and my parents and I are still on weird terms and now I don't even have my sister because I went and ruined everything!"  He was carrying on, terrified of how he would react if the blonde didn't agree to come. 

Lucky for Jungkook, Jimin couldn't handle hearing him so torn up and despite the fact he had work on Monday and weekend plans, he found himself agreeing, "Did you check flights?"

"One leaves in a couple hours- I'll call you a cab right now! First class okay for your ticket?" It felt odd to talk so casually about wealth, to spend money so freely.  He had spent the past few years cutting corners, clipping coupons, ordering a water at lunch because a soda was an additional couple dollars that he just couldn't afford to spend, and now, he was the exact opposite.  

Even Jimin felt odd accepting such a thing, "Y- Yeah it's fine..." He knew that Jungkook had grown up with wealth, was dumped off with a diamond ring that was bigger than his own Mother's wedding band but it still felt odd to hear him discuss spending so freely, and to offer to spend it on Jimin.

"I'll see you later today then? Your flight should come in right as I'm finishing up work!"

"That sounds- that sounds great Jungkook!" It was all Jimin could muster as he thought about what in the world he would do in New York, how he could possibly comfort somebody who had problems that were out of his expertise. 

They ended the call in a mutual agreement of ex-lovers, turned friends, turned those who are there for the hard conversations, and those who are there even when they're miles apart.  Jungkook wondered what would have happened if he wasn't sitting on money, if he couldn't fly Jimin out- at the end of the day, he was really alone here.  On an island by himself.  

He knew he needed to find closer friends, ones that were outside of his family but it would be a challenge, just as it had been when he moved to California.  The more he thought about it the more he regretted ever leaving- how could he have turned his back on every person who had cared so deeply for him? Had actually taken him in? And for what? A job that had fit him five years ago. 

The boy was angry at himself, at the world, at Taehyung for going through with it.  Even if they hadn't  slept together, the older was still very visibly and inappropriately entranced by Jungkook. It was clear in the way his stare lingered, in the way he moved him aside by gripping him at the waist instead of nudging him with an elbow, it was clear in the way that he seemed to invite the boy out at any moment, and in the way that he was so gentle with every touch and tap.  

Jungkook had never felt as cared for as he did in the presence of Tae. 

His figure finally managed to crawl from bed, put on a suit, brush his teeth, and even prepare a shitty breakfast.  He took comfort in the fact that when the working day was over he'd be lucky enough to have Jimin in New York with him.  Even if it was for only a few days.

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