chapter thirteen (M)

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Jungkook felt himself rip back from the embrace, muttering the words "no" like a mantra.  This kiss wasn't something that should be being shared, not something that was right or good- oh but it felt it.

It felt more right than Jimin's arms ever had, more right than the idea of Jisoo marrying this man, more right than anything Jungkook had ever known or cared too.  His arms brought him back, spinning about with Taehyung attached.

He searched for hesitation in the older but found none, only longing lingered in his gaze as he dove forward to steal another kiss.

Each time they met felt better than the last and Jungkook found himself praying that he'd never have to leave studio one and return to reality.  He wasn't sure he could face it out there.

Taehyung continued with the final few buttons, tugging at the white undershirt, gripping at his own.  He was a sloppy and needy mess, falling over himself and Jungkook as he pushed them both to the ground.

In a way, it seemed he was desperate and yet, he had never reacted this way to anyone else in any circumstance.  He was composed, organized- a gentleman.  Something in the way Jungkook's muscles flexed made him absolutely feral, his teeth tracing the edges of his biceps as soon as the younger was stripped from his shirt.

"You're beautiful, you know that?"  He rested himself on top, maintaining an inch of space between the two, "Absolutely breath taking!"

Jungkook felt his cheeks heat up, the tips of his ears turning cherry red as he found his own hands tracing through the curls he had been so desperate to touch over dinner, "Well, I have been told once or twice!"

"So, you're cheeky as well then? Funny man?" Taehyung's nose twitched in delight, the corner of his lip adjusting into a smirk, "Tell me Jungkook, do you prefer to be in control, or be controlled?"

Although he asked it as a question, it didn't seem as such.  Jungkook knew this from the energy that the older possessed.  He could have told you immediately that deep down, Tae was a top, always longing to be in control of the situation, to be the one who gave so he could seem like the ultimate man of the moment.

Jungkook would typically be fine with that- after all, he had been known to switch but, something about that last shot of brandy had made him a tad curious what would happen if he forced the roles to switch. 

"Get on your knees." It was a demand; Jungkook was standing and tugging at Tae's fine, black locks until his face was situated right where he wanted it, "You think that you're in control, then show me. Show me how submissive I can be."

Tae almost laughed at that, his chestnut eyes piercing as they peered up at the younger who seemed breathless despite the fact they hadn't even started, "You really want to start with demands already?" His long fingers gently traced over the younger's bare stomach, making sure to act as the biggest tease, lingering just a hair too long. 

He could sense the impatience written all over Jungkook's face.  To an outsider, he would seem angry, his brows narrowed in disgust, usually wide doe eyes dulled down to merely a glare.  Tae hated it to admit it but the angrier the boy looked, the more handsome he seemed to appear. 

Finally giving in, he gripped at Jungkook's belt, quickly sliding it off to where both boys had left the top half of their outfits.  Both could sense the eagerness and the tension, they were too far to quit now.  Tae's hand slipped across the button, tugging the slacks down to Jungkook's ankles, absolutely smitten with the site that he was greeted with.

"Surprised, are you?" He was referring to the bulge that seemed to protrude further than the older could have anticipated.  All Tae could do was nod in delight as he let it slide across his tongue, taking extra time as he got to the tip.

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